*****cqcode text writer*****
Move image to folder /jpgrewrite/ to write from...
Input SKU#, 15 capital letters maximum, line one.
Input Text, 15 capital letters maximum, line two.
Input cqcode image filename and click button, WriteText
((NOTE: These images are NOT used for search, change or erase unless saved as .bmp))
((NOTE: Must be at least a dot in the two upper boxes. For Sticky Notes use cqcode1111111111.jpg and text box only))
Input SKU# (or blank)
Input Text
Input Image Filename with .jpg

((After clicking WriteText button, Refresh this Page until you see your new cqcode below...)) Refresh
  • Sticky Notes; click here then return to write a new Sticky Note then drag it onto your computer

    image link

    GDK barcode (c)2011

    GDK barcode (c)2011
    Easier printing format...

  • Enter cqcode in the OCR system...