Text on qrcode writer

Upload these written image to 3 folders /bitmapsgif/ /bitmapsgif2/ /bitmapsgif3/. To write on NOW...
  • Go here
    Input SKU#, 21 capital letters maximum, line one.
    Input Text, 21 capital letters maximum, line two.
    Input qrcode image filename and click button, WriteText
    ((NOTE: These images are NOT used for search, change or erase unless saved as .bmp))
    ((NOTE: Must be at least a dot in the first two boxes))
    ((**************Do image twice***************))
    Input SKU# (or blank)
    Input Text
    Input Image Filename with .png

    ((After clicking WriteText button, Refresh this Page until you see your new qrcode below...)) Refresh

    GDK barcode (c)2011

    GDK barcode (c)2011

    GDK barcode (c)2011
    Easier printing format...

  • Enter qrcode in the OCR system...
