UPC-QRcode shelf item notepad system. Send GDK a UPC list of your shelf items that would benefit from customers

having access to additional information about the item. http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/11111311111.pl

Then next day goto

  • Tools > Printout and use that service to printout the UPC-QRcodes to post on your shelving.

  • See UPC-QRcodes images we make...

    #################Start UPC API tiny website bulk list.
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    1to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000000005210.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    2to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001003802.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    3to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001003819.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    4to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001003901.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    5to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001004007.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    6to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001004106.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    7to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001004113.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    8to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001004205.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    9to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001004304.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    10to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001004403.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)
    Each UPC .pl number used...
    11to 11 The new API URL (tiny website) link is... http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/CRcode/z2/000001004410.pl (if not in bulk erase mode)

    #################END UPC API tiny website bulk list.

    ################# END UPC API tiny website bulk list.

    Copy QRcode, convert to .png w400 h400 (Live CD auto uploads) admin, upload to folder bitmapsgif

  • Make UPC .png w300 h305

    from code 128, .png, DPI 300, thickness 100, resolution 3, 12 numbers, font ariel.ttf 8


  • upload to folder z3erased

    Then create UPC-QRcode image

  • use same filename in both input boxes