You should see 8 Success! print outs...
Success! exiftool is HERE...
Success! if RandomAccess .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if RandomAccess .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if ExifTool .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if ExifTool .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if ExifTool .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if Samsung.jpg is HERE...
Success! if aSamsung.jpg is HERE...
This script will put the proper NSEW direction on a GPS string and Read and Write EXIF information in an image.
GPS string example from a gps.gpx file: Must use this format to input below:
No gps2.txt file created, use form
See the gps2Photo2.log.txt file
See the gps2.txt file
See the images EXIF