You should see 8 Success! print outs...
Success! exiftool is HERE...
Success! if RandomAccess .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if RandomAccess .pm and .pod is HERE...

Success! if ExifTool .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if ExifTool .pm and .pod is HERE...
Success! if ExifTool .pm and .pod is HERE...

Success! if Samsung.jpg is HERE... Success! if aSamsung.jpg is HERE...

This script will put the proper NSEW direction on a GPS string and Read and Write EXIF information in an image.
GPS string example from a gps.gpx file: Must use this format to input below:
No gps2.txt file created, use form

See the gps2Photo2.log.txt file
See the gps2.txt file
See the images EXIF
EXIF Title
Image Created on format
Image path name modified_image.jpg
GPS string: Required! unless erasing modified_image.jpg use proper extension

Image path and name =
gps string =
subdirs array = 2453680820168775100010000409617220597781575147951157514795140968 Page -

Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | Next

GPS (without NSEW) = 30.5:-118.58251060922
== gps2.txt , Process time: 7/27/2024 2:28:18
exifTool1 . See the stock image

exifTool1 .. See the stock image

exifTool1 000.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 000.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 AFCP.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 AFCP.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 AIFF.aif See the stock image
exifTool2 AIFF.aif See the stock image

exifTool1 APE.ape See the stock image
exifTool2 APE.ape See the stock image

exifTool1 APE.mpc See the stock image
exifTool2 APE.mpc See the stock image

exifTool1 ASF.wmv See the stock image
exifTool2 ASF.wmv See the stock image

exifTool1 BMP.bmp See the stock image
exifTool2 BMP.bmp See the stock image

exifTool1 BigTIFF.btf See the stock image
exifTool2 BigTIFF.btf See the stock image

exifTool1 Canon.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Canon.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Canon1DmkIII.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Canon1DmkIII.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 CanonRaw.cr2 See the stock image
exifTool2 CanonRaw.cr2 See the stock image

exifTool1 CanonRaw.crw See the stock image
exifTool2 CanonRaw.crw See the stock image

exifTool1 CanonVRD.vrd See the stock image
exifTool2 CanonVRD.vrd See the stock image

exifTool1 CaptureOne.eip See the stock image
exifTool2 CaptureOne.eip See the stock image

exifTool1 Casio.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Casio.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Casio2.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Casio2.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 CasioQVCI.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 CasioQVCI.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 DICOM.dcm See the stock image
exifTool2 DICOM.dcm See the stock image

exifTool1 DNG.dng See the stock image
exifTool2 DNG.dng See the stock image

exifTool1 DV.dv See the stock image
exifTool2 DV.dv See the stock image

exifTool1 DjVu.djvu See the stock image
exifTool2 DjVu.djvu See the stock image

exifTool1 EXE.elf See the stock image
exifTool2 EXE.elf See the stock image

exifTool1 EXE.exe See the stock image
exifTool2 EXE.exe See the stock image

exifTool1 EXE.macho See the stock image
exifTool2 EXE.macho See the stock image

exifTool1 ExifTool.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 ExifTool.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 ExifTool.tif See the stock image
exifTool2 ExifTool.tif See the stock image

exifTool1 ExtendedXMP.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 ExtendedXMP.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 FLAC.flac See the stock image
exifTool2 FLAC.flac See the stock image

exifTool1 FLAC.ogg See the stock image
exifTool2 FLAC.ogg See the stock image

exifTool1 FLIR.fpf See the stock image
exifTool2 FLIR.fpf See the stock image

exifTool1 FLIR.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 FLIR.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Flash.flv See the stock image
exifTool2 Flash.flv See the stock image

exifTool1 Flash.swf See the stock image
exifTool2 Flash.swf See the stock image

exifTool1 FlashPix.ppt See the stock image
exifTool2 FlashPix.ppt See the stock image

exifTool1 Font.afm See the stock image
exifTool2 Font.afm See the stock image

exifTool1 Font.dfont See the stock image
exifTool2 Font.dfont See the stock image

exifTool1 Font.pfa See the stock image
exifTool2 Font.pfa See the stock image

exifTool1 Font.pfb See the stock image
exifTool2 Font.pfb See the stock image

exifTool1 Font.pfm See the stock image
exifTool2 Font.pfm See the stock image

exifTool1 Font.ttf See the stock image
exifTool2 Font.ttf See the stock image

exifTool1 FotoStation.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 FotoStation.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 FujiFilm.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 FujiFilm.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 FujiFilm.raf See the stock image
exifTool2 FujiFilm.raf See the stock image

exifTool1 GE.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 GE.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 GIF.gif See the stock image
exifTool2 GIF.gif See the stock image

exifTool1 GIMP.xcf See the stock image
exifTool2 GIMP.xcf See the stock image

exifTool1 GPS.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 GPS.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 GeoTiff.tif See the stock image
exifTool2 GeoTiff.tif See the stock image

exifTool1 Geotag.gpx See the stock image
exifTool2 Geotag.gpx See the stock image

exifTool1 Geotag.igc See the stock image
exifTool2 Geotag.igc See the stock image

exifTool1 Geotag.log See the stock image
exifTool2 Geotag.log See the stock image

exifTool1 Geotag.xml See the stock image
exifTool2 Geotag.xml See the stock image

exifTool1 Geotag2.log See the stock image
exifTool2 Geotag2.log See the stock image

exifTool1 HTML.html See the stock image
exifTool2 HTML.html See the stock image

exifTool1 IPTC.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 IPTC.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 ITC.itc See the stock image
exifTool2 ITC.itc See the stock image

exifTool1 InDesign.indd See the stock image
exifTool2 InDesign.indd See the stock image

exifTool1 JVC.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 JVC.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 JVC2.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 JVC2.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Jpeg2000.j2c See the stock image
exifTool2 Jpeg2000.j2c See the stock image

exifTool1 Jpeg2000.jp2 See the stock image
exifTool2 Jpeg2000.jp2 See the stock image

exifTool1 Kodak.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Kodak.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 KyoceraRaw.raw See the stock image
exifTool2 KyoceraRaw.raw See the stock image

exifTool1 LNK.lnk See the stock image
exifTool2 LNK.lnk See the stock image

exifTool1 M2TS.mts See the stock image
exifTool2 M2TS.mts See the stock image

exifTool1 MIE.mie See the stock image
exifTool2 MIE.mie See the stock image

exifTool1 MIFF.miff See the stock image
exifTool2 MIFF.miff See the stock image

exifTool1 MP3.mp3 See the stock image
exifTool2 MP3.mp3 See the stock image

exifTool1 MWG.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 MWG.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 MXF.mxf See the stock image
exifTool2 MXF.mxf See the stock image

exifTool1 Matroska.mkv See the stock image
exifTool2 Matroska.mkv See the stock image

exifTool1 Minolta.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Minolta.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Minolta.mrw See the stock image
exifTool2 Minolta.mrw See the stock image

exifTool1 Nikon.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Nikon.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Nikon.nef See the stock image
exifTool2 Nikon.nef See the stock image

exifTool1 NikonD2Hs.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 NikonD2Hs.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 NikonD70.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 NikonD70.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 OOXML.docx See the stock image
exifTool2 OOXML.docx See the stock image

exifTool1 Olympus.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Olympus.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Olympus2.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Olympus2.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 OlympusE1.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 OlympusE1.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 OpenDoc.ods See the stock image
exifTool2 OpenDoc.ods See the stock image

exifTool1 OpenEXR.exr See the stock image
exifTool2 OpenEXR.exr See the stock image

exifTool1 PDF.pdf See the stock image
exifTool2 PDF.pdf See the stock image

exifTool1 PDF2.pdf See the stock image
exifTool2 PDF2.pdf See the stock image

exifTool1 PGF.pgf See the stock image
exifTool2 PGF.pgf See the stock image

exifTool1 PICT.pict See the stock image
exifTool2 PICT.pict See the stock image

exifTool1 PLIST-bin.plist See the stock image
exifTool2 PLIST-bin.plist See the stock image

exifTool1 PLIST-xml.plist See the stock image
exifTool2 PLIST-xml.plist See the stock image

exifTool1 PNG.png See the stock image
exifTool2 PNG.png See the stock image

exifTool1 PPM.ppm See the stock image
exifTool2 PPM.ppm See the stock image

exifTool1 PSP.psp See the stock image
exifTool2 PSP.psp See the stock image

exifTool1 Panasonic.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Panasonic.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Panasonic.rw2 See the stock image
exifTool2 Panasonic.rw2 See the stock image

exifTool1 Pentax.avi See the stock image
exifTool2 Pentax.avi See the stock image

exifTool1 Pentax.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Pentax.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 PhotoCD.pcd See the stock image
exifTool2 PhotoCD.pcd See the stock image

exifTool1 PhotoMechanic.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 PhotoMechanic.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Photoshop.psd See the stock image
exifTool2 Photoshop.psd See the stock image

exifTool1 PostScript.eps See the stock image
exifTool2 PostScript.eps See the stock image

exifTool1 QuickTime.m4a See the stock image
exifTool2 QuickTime.m4a See the stock image

exifTool1 See the stock image
exifTool2 See the stock image

exifTool1 RIFF.avi See the stock image
exifTool2 RIFF.avi See the stock image

exifTool1 RIFF.wav See the stock image
exifTool2 RIFF.wav See the stock image

exifTool1 RIFF.webp See the stock image
exifTool2 RIFF.webp See the stock image

exifTool1 RTF.rtf See the stock image
exifTool2 RTF.rtf See the stock image

exifTool1 Radiance.hdr See the stock image
exifTool2 Radiance.hdr See the stock image

exifTool1 Real.ra See the stock image
exifTool2 Real.ra See the stock image

exifTool1 Real.ram See the stock image
exifTool2 Real.ram See the stock image

exifTool1 Real.rm See the stock image
exifTool2 Real.rm See the stock image

exifTool1 Ricoh.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Ricoh.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Ricoh2.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Ricoh2.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Samsung.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Samsung.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Sanyo.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Sanyo.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Sigma.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Sigma.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Sigma.x3f See the stock image
exifTool2 Sigma.x3f See the stock image

exifTool1 SigmaDP2.x3f See the stock image
exifTool2 SigmaDP2.x3f See the stock image

exifTool1 Sony.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Sony.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Sony.pmp See the stock image
exifTool2 Sony.pmp See the stock image

exifTool1 Unknown.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Unknown.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 Vorbis.ogg See the stock image
exifTool2 Vorbis.ogg See the stock image

exifTool1 Writer.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 Writer.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP.inx See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP.inx See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP.svg See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP.svg See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP.xml See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP.xml See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP.xmp See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP.xmp See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP2.xmp See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP2.xmp See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP3.xmp See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP3.xmp See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP4.xmp See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP4.xmp See the stock image

exifTool1 XMP5.xmp See the stock image
exifTool2 XMP5.xmp See the stock image

exifTool1 ZIP.gz See the stock image
exifTool2 ZIP.gz See the stock image

exifTool1 See the stock image
exifTool2 See the stock image

exifTool1 aSamsung.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 aSamsung.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 clart1.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 clart1.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 clart1OLD.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 clart1OLD.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 clart2.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 clart2.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 clart2OLD.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 clart2OLD.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 See the stock image
exifTool2 See the stock image

exifTool1 iWork.numbers See the stock image
exifTool2 iWork.numbers See the stock image

exifTool1 modified_image.jpg See the stock image
exifTool2 modified_image.jpg See the stock image

exifTool1 uploadmyexiftool.cgi See the stock image
exifTool2 uploadmyexiftool.cgi See the stock image

exifTool1 exifread.php See the stock image
exifTool2 exifread.php See the stock image

exifTool1 exif.php See the stock image
exifTool2 exif.php See the stock image
OriginalphotoTime:: EXE.elf ()
gtime= 182882772024
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 60000000
OriginalphotoTime:: EXE.exe ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: EXE.macho ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: ExifTool.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: ExifTool.tif ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: ExtendedXMP.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Nikon.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Nikon.nef ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: NikonD2Hs.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: NikonD70.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Samsung.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Sanyo.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Sigma.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Sigma.x3f ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: SigmaDP2.x3f ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Sony.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Sony.pmp ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: Writer.jpg ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: exifread.php ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019
OriginalphotoTime:: exif.php ()
gtime= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
ptime= 182822772024
:: Delta= 182822770019

gtime preset (not current)= 20051017183731

Image path and name
All the Exif information found...

Error : No file specified

ExifToolVersion : 9.34

exifTool2 N305W-11858251060922
== taken at N3 0.5 W-11 8.58251060922 gtime preset(2005-10-17 18:37:31) Delta(182822770019 sec) ==
gtime preset (not current)= 2005-10-17T18:37:31
See the modified image

See the modified image internal exif