GDK New Store Worksheet

Answer for set-up YES or NO

1. Do you want to display a large list of items?
2. Do you want just one email to checkbox?
3. Do you want your own sub-domain to use?
4. Do you want the $90 a month system test?
5. Do you accept 16 digit bank card numbers?

Business address or GPS:
(???)???-???? other info. to include
sub-domain if different than
Items list(attached)

I (signed) ???????Customer of GDK???????
?????????????????Will pay after testing or first use?????????????????
??????Expect No strings attached. Worksheet deleted after sale???????
????????May cancel anytime?????????

QRcode placement(s) instructions:
Customer (print): date:
Affiliate (print): date:

Please enter lat. long. here

1. Zoom browser to 75% and Sign here......................................>

hold down left mouse button and mouse pointer draws...

2. Save a Screen Capture

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Text version by GDK ©2013