You are from a different referrering url so okay use this site.


Your Instructions.. PHONE then error ALERT

1. Input the phone number

2. Input the error and alert
Your Instructions.. PHONE then error ALERT
1. The phone number for this alert 2. The error and your custom alert

Button to login only, Sorry :(
phoneform4 clean tel= -

Day and month starts the alert. error 129, Try again...

I sent nothing out yet.

1. Input the phone number and error number

2. The alert you wrote in text will be sent.


555-555-1212 129 birthday 12/3/2013

555-555-1212 129 send alert to different number 555-778-7878 about weather in Kansas

555-555-1212 129 just text me on 12/3/2013 say come home. text me now to confirm this alert.
(12 - 9 - 24)
Created by GDK

© All rights reserved - Gerald Daniel Krug vox