This directive is used to override the default XSSI settings while processing the XSSI file.
#config errmsg is used to change the message sent to the client when an XSSI error occurs. By default, XSSI errors are reported in a detailed manner to allow easy debugging.
#config sizefmt controls the way the server displays XSSI file sizes. size_format can have two values:
ABBREV: displays file sizes in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB).
BYTES: displays file sizes in bytes. It is the default.
#config timefmt specifies the format in which XSSI dates are inserted. time_format must contain formatting tokens that are substituted by the corresponding parts of the date. The available tokens are listed below with the description of their substitution:
%a: Abbreviated English name for day of the week.
%A: Complete English name for day of the week.
%b: Abbreviated English month name.
%B: Complete English month name.
%c: Date and time representation. It is the equivalent of %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S.
%d: Day of the month (01-31).
%e: Day of the month (1-31). If it is a single digit, it is padded with a space.
%H: Hour in 24-hour format (00-23).
%I: Hour in 12-hour format (01-12).
%j: Day of the year as a decimal number (001-366).
%m: Month as a decimal number (01-12).
%M: Minute as a decimal number (00-59).
%p: A.M. or P.M. indicator for 12-hour format.
%S: Second as a decimal number (00-59).
%U: Week of the year as a number (00-51). Sunday is the first day of the week.
%w: Day of the week as a number (0-6). Sunday is the first day of the week.
%W: Week of the year as a number (00-51). Monday is the first day of the week.
%x: Date representation. It is the equivalent of %m/%d/%y.
%X: Time representation. It is the equivalent of %H:%M:%S.
%y: Year without the century (00-99).
%Y: Year with the century (0000-9999).
%z and %Z: Time zone name; empty if unknown.
%%: Percent sign.
#echo inserts the value of an XSSI environment variable. XSSI environment variables include those set using the #set directive, those available for CGI scripts (see "CGI environment variables" in the "CGI, FastCGI, and ISAPI" chapter), and five special variables:
DOCUMENT_NAME: The name of the processed XSSI file.
DOCUMENT_URI: The virtual path to the current processed file.
DATE_LOCAL: The current local date.
DATE_GMT: The current date expressed in UTC (coordinated universal time, formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT).
LAST_MODIFIED: The last modification date of the processed file expressed in UTC (coordinated universal time).
#exec cgi executes a script and inserts its output. If cgi_file begins with a /, it is considered as a virtual path and the directive will behave as if it is <!-- #include virtual="cgi_file" -->. If cgi_file does not begin with a /, it is considered as a relative file name and the server will try to locate it inside the directory containing the currently processed XSSI file. If it is found there, #exec cgi will behave as if it is <!-- #include file="cgi_file" -->. Otherwise, cgi_file will be searched inside the virtual paths listed in #exec cgi' Search Paths in the XSSI Parameters of the current host.
#exec cmd executes a shell command and inserts its output. The shell executable path is found in the system environment variable COMSPEC. If this variable is empty or does not exist, is used as the default shell.
Note: #exec cmd execution must be used with extreme care. If users can edit or modify HTML pages in your web sites (which is the case if you have a forum or a guestbook for instance), you must disable it. In fact, they can include XSSI tags with dangerous #exec cmd directives and remotely invoke them.
#flastmod file inserts the last modification date of the file file_name. file_name is a relative path from the directory containing the processed XSSI file. It file can only be in the same directory or in one of its subdirectories.
#flastmod virtual inserts the last modification date of the file which virtual path is virt_path.
#fsize file inserts the size of the file file_name. file_name is a relative path from the directory containing the processed XSSI file. It can only be in the same directory or in one of its subdirectories.
#fsize virtual inserts the size of the content resulting from requesting virt_path from the server. If virt_path is a static file, its size will be inserted. If it is a CGI script or a XSSI file, it is evaluated by the server and the size of the resulting output is inserted.
#include file instructs the web server to insert a file which must contain valid HTML contents. file_name is a relative path from the directory containing the processed XSSI file. The included file can only be in the same directory or in one of its subdirectories.
#include virtual inserts the content resulting from requesting virt_path from the server. If virt_path is a static file, its contents will be included "as is". If it is a CGI script or a XSSI file, it is evaluated by the server and the results are inserted. virt_path must contain or generate valid HTML content.
#printenv outputs the current CGI environment variables. For more information, refer to the "CGI environment variables" section.
#set sets the value of the variable variable_name to variable_value. If no variable called variable_name exists, it is created before being set. #set can be used to change the value of CGI variables or any already declared variable.