Online viewer for PDF, PostScript and Word
- This is an online viewer, with which you can view PDF and PostScript files as browsable images and Word documents as web pages. Given a URL on the net or a file on your computer, the viewer will try to retrieve the document, convert it and show it to you. No plugin software is required.
WEB view - Fetch the document from the web:
FILE view - Upload a file from your computer:
Uploader to inc folderupload
- The viewer software is open source, licensed under the GNU Public License.
- Version 0.3 of the software can be downloaded here: psview-0.3.tar.gz
- The viewer grew out of frustration over there never being good PDF or PostScript viewers on all different operating systems and computers I use.
- The solution: a web interface! All major operating systems have somewhat functional web browsers available, so now I can view PDF and PostScript files wherever I want, and it can handle compressed files too.
- Better user interface
- Convert to different formats
- Create a FAQ that is actually based on questions people have asked
- Page layout
- Better error messages
- Better feedback
- Increase speed (possibly by only converting pages on demand, instead of converting all like now)
- Q: Why is it so slow? A: Because downloading and converting images is a slow business.
- Q: Something went wrong. Who do I mail? A:
- Q: What makes these features possible? A: In one word: Open Source (oops! that was two words...). In several words: Ghostscript, php, wvWare, Apache, ImageMagick, gnu wget, gnu zip, Linux and so on.