
Welcome to Reminder-log version 5.0.14. You may create a reminder-log right away, or just list any reminders you have pending. "MAKE" Reminder-logs using forms then "CREATE" by clicking on the API URL link .


This is brought to you by GDK RemindMe v4.0 Use now, no email validation required....


***ChoosenDATE Oct.30 2013 ***ChoosenDATE Oct3020131log=log:: Go back and add another

unix time ::choda1725038418.22 remda1733278650.22 choosen20745370 remind28985602 ***days95.3730555555556days***

1 Now Where?

Create Reminder Log API URL. One Click.(Not into future years)

The Reminder Log? Go see.

Add another reminder? Go Add.

Send reminder now?

Admin need a Login? 11 Login to Make/Create reminders, or check any reminders you may have pending.

Email address
The Month now or future
Not signed up yet? Oh Well, CREATE reminder Immediatly!

Check your fake List.

Opt out of further emails.

Admin need a Login? 1