56 Fcc LWP 56=56
This is a demo to understand pre-flight PUT; PUT data is captured by upload2.cgi as named FILE1(see source code)
(((xively uses a persistent login is the error, xively please set a cookie)))

USED WITH local server

php library for xively PUT, push data to stream http://gkrug.mypressonline.com/cgi/xively-php-master/index.php xively.com FORM action=PUT
see also cgi/remindme/xs.php?data=37 using curl to PUT to xively.com legacy online, random minutes, endless graph
see my xml.xml
see my cl.txt

check the chart http://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/1212568391/datastreams/sidpass.png
check the chart http://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/28902/datastreams/0.png
WORKING chart http://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/28860/datastreams/0.png
check the chart http://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/1746941169/datastreams/sidpass.png
check the chart http://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/1746941169/datastreams/sidpass.png
The xml.xml filesize= 169
The cl.txt filesize= 10
The Form is below...{} replaces <> to avoid an error.

{FORM action="http://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/1746941169.xml?login=geraldkrug&password=heaven&_method:PUT\r\nHeader=HTTP/1.0&ApiKey=TZCMgBUT85FF42hibMIKwSn9ZsahDIr4nSaPcaoCN0huKGUa&Host=api.xively.com&Content-Length: 169&Content-type=text/xml&Connection=close" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="PUT"}

1746941169 Legacy version, cron to idpass8.cgi creates xml.xml _method:PUT


Please download http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/remindme/xml.xml

then upload; xml.xml to xively.com _method:PUT

click Submit without any file choosen to check pre-flight...
WILL ask for credentials; login geraldkrug : password heaven

The Form is below...{} replaces <> to avoid an error.

{FORM action="http://api.xively.com/api/v2/feeds/1746941169.xml _method:PUT\r\nHTTP/1.0\r\nHost: api.xively.com\r\nApiKey: TZCMgBUT85FF42hibMIKwSn9ZsahDIr4nSaPcaoCN0huKGUa\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\nsidpass,23Connection: close" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="PUT"}

1746941169 Legacy version, loading this site creates data cl.txt _method:PUT


Please download http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/remindme/cl.txt

then upload; data only cl.txt to xively.com _method:PUT

click Submit without any file choosen to check pre-flight...
WILL NOT ask for credentials; login geraldkrug : password heaven (because not a ? after 0.xml)
Below http://boughtupcom.scriptmania.com/cgi/remindme/xs.php for working flight plan using cURL

cURL API, idpass8.cgi xml8.xml, xively graph 28860. Click here then above.