Create a new GDK evidence Use this form (or this API) to create a new GDK evidence and send it to a BTC-address. To create evidence, you will need to witness from coin2gdk The evidence is sent back to you . Website Website for hosting evidence. Evidence URL path For evidence web page. Issuer name Legal name of issuer. Issuer address Registered address of issuer. Full evidence name Name of evidence for contract. Short evidence name Short name for display, 16 chars. Description Explanation of the evidence's underlying value. Quantity units Quantity of the evidence to create. Value per unit Exactly what each unit represents. Divisibility per unit 1 (indivisible) 10 (smallest value 0.1) 100 (smallest value 0.01) 1000 (smallest value 0.001) 10000 (smallest value 0.0001) Allows units to be subdivided. Contract template US - NY Law US - CA Law UK - English Law Custom View contract: US | UK Legal basis for evidence issue. Governing law Jurisdiction for resolving disputes. Upload contract PDF PDF should contain Terms and Conditions section only.Use the standard US terms or UK terms as a starting point.We will add the Issue Details and Technical Schedule sections.Convert to a PDF with US letter or A4 paper before uploading.Maximum file size for upload is 8.0 MB. Custom terms and conditions. Expiry Never 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 18 months 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 8 years 10 years 15 years 20 years When evidence ceases to be valid. Transaction charge % + units Deducted from transferred amounts. Witness to BTC-address Your GDK address – get BTC-address Use testnet Raw bitcoin address For developers only Redemption delay blocks Confirmations to redeem. Redemption countries Restricted to which residents. Prohibited territories Where forbidden to send evidence. Advanced options... Hide advanced...