"I love you" Sheet Music
The Party Line is an all electronic
TWO-WAY Party Line .Tape delayed for users appointment times.For best results call often.
Fully eraseable and holds user/host posted messages in private,public and host boxes.
To get a working system email GDK Electronics.The old system
operated by pressing 0,1,1,2,1,1,#,(the phone#)#.Verbally request a private box by
giving a four digit number,zero first not allowed,and when you
call back in a few hours,press 0,1,your four digit number and # and (the phone #) and #.You'll
get instructions to post messages your callers can recieve by using your
four digit number.
To hear messages left on the public box call (the phone #) when it answers,press 0,1,1,2,1,1,#(the phone #)#,
and post a message there as well...
The first time you access your box you will be told,from The host Flying Saucer,how to post
messages in other boxes and uses,tips ect.
Partylines' "A-list" of fun people:Debbie TracyLords Angelyne SlyStallone MarlinBrando
LiLBear Sonny CrazyJasmine Michael-NOHO RockinRon TomKat
EncinoMan Samantha QueenGrumpie Michelle PartylineWoman
Cristie Dolores BillytheLoser Oldcadger LeatherGod DMLboys
KathyBarkley Marion John999 Linda Jason bigstupidbob marci xenia spin xxx Dalmation Angel (more later)
Most popular Flying Saucerism "SAW THAT WOODY,SAW THAT WOODY,BREAK IT OFF."
1/14/2001 ANGELYNES' sighting of The Flying Saucer.
KMETs' Mike Harrison is not GOD.The Flying Saucer predicted,to Jim Ladd,he would speak last on
Harrisons'show,line M,following a lady talking about Pyramids,was just icing on the cake.
A"Third Kind"encounter,lightbeam to F.S. left eye,on a Mount Wilson tower,
You think I'm CRAZY???
So is everyone else NOW!
Led Zeppelin- How many more times
Ted Nugent- Stranglehold
The Pretenders- Chain Gang
The Flying Saucers CB radio..
Written for L.A.C.College Studio B
Text;Opening Credits...
Title;"Twisted Mister", Spin Master
Action;Twisted Mister and female side-kick sit on a couch and asks for new callers to talk to...
Side kick's job is to facially emote the proceedings as over the top as possible.
Fake callers can be stage/camera crew members..
Audio;use parts of wo79.mp3
ROLL IN;cam3, Picture - misterphone.JPG a realphone number for callers...
Characters;Fake callers are heard and responded to by the talents
cam1,Opening Dialog;Hello and Welcome,I'm Twisted Mister
And This is my lovely side-kick cam2_____________________
cam1,All I ask from my callers is that you keep it clean
and keep in mind the purpose of this show is to give you my take on controversial
subjects so be weird, OK? Cool,Cool
Let's see the number again...
cam1____________________ Are you ready for our first caller?
cam1,Ok,Do we have a sucker,I mean caller???
((Callers have dumb subjects or are rude.))
Character 1;Hello, am I on? (Well I think your show is tripped out)
Twisted Mister response;YES YOU ARE,Whats your trip?
(And I think your momma ate bad food when you were in the womb)
((Do we have another caller?))
Character 2;Hello (Ok cool)((I'm the second caller!))
Twisted Mister response;Hell no!(Whats cool cold Ethel?)((No your the second idiot))
(((Fire the screener.)))((((Hello your on with Twisted Mister))))
Character 3;HEY T.M. Your Momma's so religious you had to turn to the devil for an original thought...HaHA
Twisted Mister response;ACTION;cam3,Picture - tmmad.JPG
Can we look at the now cursed phone number again please?
cam1,Ok all my lovlies, we're commercial free cause I love to pay for air time to be abused.
We have a caller,Go Ahead...
Character 4;Twisted Stupid, who's your daddy?
Twisted Mister response;Daddy's a super nova, which we will never know about scientifically so
my daddy is unknowable.
(Caller caller is there a caller?...Don't make me come out there)Hello
Character 5;Twist one up!
Twisted Mister response;Are your knickers in a twist?So you need to self medicate?
Ran out of your prescribed meds eh?
Well go have a nice overdose and call me in the morning if you can...HAHAHAHAHAHHA
Ok,I think we can do a little public service announcement now, so please, when you get a chance,
Give to the charity of your choice.
Now, we usually schedule this time for a guest to come and act stupid for us.
If you'd like to act like a fool on this show and get on your knees and worship false gods please call the number,
we supply knee pads and idols to worship
cam3,Roll in;picture 100_0337.JPG
off camera comment,
Wow! looks just like us dosent it _____________________?
side kick __________________________ responds...
'Big yes, up and down, head movement'
Cam1,Talents bow and pray to eachother...
*******Add more content here*******
{Suggest editorial about the shows callers as wind-up...}
Look, even GOD lets us die and what are we going to be seen as
in 2000 years.I know the whole thing is just keeping you all
in a state of false freedom till we get enough of a brain
to not need others to entertain us.The callers are just the
same as always, wise acres, mean spirited, dumb.Just a bunch
of crying and no one saying "forget that, I'm gonna do something
smart".I'm not the type to follow even my closest friends
to the grave,when it's over. I won't drag anyone down with me.
Give me my flowers now cause if you bring me flowers too late
ain't it all just stupid then?
The T.M solution;Transmigration of my soul...I can't know your species problems
So I built in a natural "Helper Aspect" to the universe.
This "Helper Aspect" shows it's self to a new "Mover Shaker" type
so the targeted species is then led by one of it's own.
Higher powers can't help directly because they are of a different species.
Transitions;Roll in the Side Kick's expressions as needed
Shots;Cam1-Full bodies sitting on couch.
Cam2-constantly close-up on side kick's face.
Cam3-On 1-877-619-2277 number and pictures
Picture;Ending Credits picture - trp.JPG
Picture URL's
This is the first part of the announcement of my being the 10th
messenger for earth from a nature that is the cause of loves existence
and not evils existence.This nature is the elder and by experience
over countless time has made the skills to be as defined |6a God and or
miracle worker.
Let me first tell you that what you are about to learn is going to
manipulate your mind and since I know you all I know the doubts you
will have and even the outright anger and why you will follow such
thoughts even though it is best that you didn't.I suggest that if you
are prone to argue with people with no reason other than that you do
then stop reading because I will enrage you with the truth you cannot
handle because your type of knee jerk person has no way of real human
thought and are actually retarded so why bother reading further.For
those of you that feel me and my upmost love and sincerity read on and
know I am reading your thoughts as you read so as to answer your
questions in the future if any.
Personally in my circle of friends I am loved by all so to try and
discredit me or my personal life path would not be wise because you
will meet with resistance.I will get into my personal perfection
Okay,I am being told right now by elder nature to begin the
announcement with some facts that we as humans never have addressed in
all the history of mankind.First is that people are all the same and
there is no real free will.We seem to have free will because we are
infused with divine intervention at times when we need to advance and
we take credit for these advancements but it is to elder natures'
credit.Second Some of the major 9 religions of the world were created
by the earthly leadership powers at those times so to control the
people that were enslaved by those powers.People followed and were
weakened by the demands of the false religions and when a miracle
occured those miracles from elder nature were credited to the false
religion and it's rituals.
In a way this announcement can also be considered a report that I was
given 30 years to analyze
for the reason to end the space time dimension because of failure that
can be repaired but the elder nature dosen't want to repair for
reasons I will also reveal later.
I feel now is a good time to stop since humans in the modern age have
short attention spans because of the burdens of being lied to all the
time by the current earthly leadership.Soon my friends you will be
much more receptive to my information but for now until tomorrow
remember only this I will be taking you all home to heaven if you want
to think that way but I actually would like to say home is where we
live all together with no space in between.Tomorrow I will get into
doubt removal of my claims and begin to lay out my Divine message or
Part 2, Announcement from the 10th messenger,
Now I felt you all who read part 1 and I got a valid question "How can
we trust you when so many modern new religions/cults ended in
Okay, My religion, and religion is based on proven miracles the
founder does, then must be defined.I do not ask for funding,
followers, or active rituals.I've proven my miracles and am accepted
All I need to do is put out the information and those with the mature
soul will find themselves finding the information randomly.I see a
shakeout of some kind going on with my revelation if I was to look at
my actions as a third party.I see evil and or joyless people really
fearing this revelation because they will be very obviously identified
as being soulless for too long a time and so will need to be dealt
with differently from the innocent joyful type people.So when I say
religion I mean very casual but not without strict rules of common
courtesy and case by case level involvement.
I forsee a need to analyze people as far as their belief systems so to
know their level of enlightenment.People will need to agree with being
analyzed so eventually all will be able to trust others again and we
can help the retarded.Yes there will be community, fellowship, real
daily neighborhood involvement but it won't be a religion of us
against the world if it ever is then abolish it.Not me please, the
religion.Don't kill the messenger.Thank you.
Now on with the revelation...
The Divine Message or Bible will be about the things I have seen in
the modern day and how I dealt with them.You'll see that the guts it
takes to do what I'm doing is directly from my being in contact with
the elder nature.I saw it at close range about 180 feet away as I
stood on a 150 foot tall tower above it.I was 21 years old.It took me
until very recently to realize what happened that day because I needed
to go through all the prerequisites first before I was given the full
knowledge.No I don't believe everything is for a reason, unless it is
for love to grow and survive.
After the contact where I believe I was fully programmed by elder
nature by a light beam I went through a very strange time where I was
sent to do many things and I know now it was so to see if I was
properly following elder natures every order.After this time I was
still doing the bidding of the elder nature
but it changed into more for computer programming hence my book got
written and published all seemingly a miracle or all luck if you want
to say it in a scientific way.I can explain this miracle more
later.After that I was put into a
great many relations with all kinds of people.I got along very well
with people and I performed many miracles to help mankind.I was also
hand writing great amounts of words to help where I couldn't
actually be in person.I was writing my opinions to every issue the
elder nature brought to me to solve and I was amazed and elder nature
too at my level of problem solving ability.I'm sure that is one big
reason why I am allowed to do this religion.Remember people, I'm just
some guy doing what he's told.I do get confused between me and the
elder nature because I'm the one with the talent to do this and I feel
elder nature is me sometimes.It's no fun having no equal on earth to
learn from.
I get no big thrill in this except that It's gonna get done because
I'm doing it.
Well, for now I'm being given a rest.Until tomorrow my friends.
Part 3;
Based on the response I picked up by e.s.p. I have realized the people
I wanted to attract into this announcement/religion cannot yet accept
me as a loving friend.I will wait for you forever, so fear not, you
have done me no harm by your caution and delay.
I also picked up some inconsistencies with my statements, minor, yet
for the detail oriented here goes. When I said "No Followers" and then
I said we would need to analyze all people I didn't mean to say that
was part of the religion. I thought it would eventually occure and
that I agreed with it since I do not fear such analysis personally.
Okay,On with the announcement by the 10th messenger...
Trust me I am doing this announcement on the fly so I may seem
inconsistent at times because
the education I needed didn't really require perfect eloquence in
writing skills.I speak better than I write and sometimes I write
better than I speak.I'll catch my self, with your help, and back pedal
when necessary.I feel we all work together for elder nature and those
that hear elder nature
the best will contribute better truth to our modern Bible.I never wish
to change anyone that have been convinced of the truth in any other
religion.I just want to enhance where possible what's been done
perfectly and go forward to the future of going away from the hell
that seems to want to be eternal in this universe.
Now as I mentioned about the requirements of being a recognized world
The miracles claimed by holy messengers of old came to be told by
witnesses of the actual events
and the stories continued so to create a belief among the young and
continue the beliefs in the culture.I can say things about such
practices to educate the youth but I don't expect too much of people
even in the modern age.Suffice to say that the internet will be the
witness to my miracles
and independent investigaton of those miracles will be the proof of my
dispensation to all people for all time.
Now that we have the documents to prove all my claims to divinity lets
move on to the announcement and then to the Modern Bible and it's
construction and reasons later.
Now that I have announced my station in life and given the proof to my
claims let me add here
that I really do rule this earth now so please don't fight me I beat
the devil with this announcement
so I have no real enemies any more.I think I'll let you all absorb
this for today so till tomorrow, don't die...
Part 4;
Annoucement by the 10th messenger...
I am watching T.V right now 6p.m. sun.5/20/07 and I am wearing a GE
shirt, General Electric work shirt.On the T.V. is "King of the Hill"
and Dale says "General Electric owns our church". This is normal to
me and it is how Elder Nature says Hi to me and communicates.Usually I
get three related messages at once in real time and I know it's Elder
nature.Now to me these events are miracles to me.There's been times
I've had to change what I'm doing so radically I almost quit this work
because Elder Nature was too hard on me but I have a test pilot kind
of faith and I have been "burned up on the launch pad" and still went
on, three times in life or more, if I really got deep analyzing my
Now lets look at what I just said through the eyes of Elder nature.
Elder nature see's me and Thinks,"Gerald is lying on his bed and
looking at the ceiling now, I want to reward him for exposing his soul
to the world. What should I do?"Well lets see, he's wearing a GE
shirt, any relation?Yes, Okay, roll back time ,order to gerald,
gerald, turn on T.V. and put on the same channel as "King of the Hill"
but make it seem to look like a coincidence to your lower self,relax
and get a special miracle from me...Gerald you have arrived...
See if you look at the miracle you can see how I go in and out of time
in real time but no-one I might be around that knows me sees this
happen in this universe but it does.I have had people that were
complete strangers say they saw me shape shift.I know so well that I
have a miracle worker part to me. I have even requested little
"personal test" miracles to happen and they do.
You can see why I get confused and think I'm Elder nature.The key is
in that I hide from my personal world the mechanics of these wonders
which implies Elder Nature has a protective mechanism and does not
allow any other to know exactly where and when it does it's miracles.
Makes me think that in Elders world it is observed by others and the
fact of being studied is not good because for any other to have Elders
power is the end of all.This may be a big reason for all our lives on
this planet.Science tells us that if you want to observe something too
close you will actually cause it to move out of your field of
vision.Built in privacy.Quantum to universe.We have looked hard at
this universe and I am moving it away and I know why.For a concept I
call Anti-space which is at the core of this religion and of all
celestial importance.I propose that by revealing myself and my
teachings I will save Elder nature from being disturbed by it's own
creations.There is a school of thought(nefelim) that erasing all back
to zero will spawn a new Elder nature and because of a morphic field
that is never totally erased a better Elder will happen automatically
but even with death, which saves us from the evolutionary waiting
involved to make life, it will still be an earth that spawns me that
has to save it's creator.It's just all too complex to change much.
Just because you might get a different Elder nature dosen't say it's
one that will make perfect worlds while a singularity in universes in
it's dream of having space to live in.See that's what's wrong and why
a Devil can exist,Space.Space to conspire in.Space to point and
shoot.Space to hide in.Evil space.Anti-space though can be fully
examined and won't move to protect it's self which reveals an amazing
fact about nothingness.Nothingness seems to be impossible to
achieve.It is the nature of nothingness to rebel against zero.So to go
toward Anti-Space, as a cultural trend, is the most important thing
for humans right now.This knowledge caused me to open up and announce
my divinity because now I know I'm fully ready to forget the fake
problems and take my people home.We don't have to fix anything,but to
pass the time fix things.Just make sure to know to go home to the
singularity "Heaven" and maybe work on trying to try this space
universe again in the future.
Enough for now,...
from the mirror orb
of the celestial concourse completes the vision of the leader of the Bahai Faith that F.S. is GOD,GAD.
Partyline began from old cb radio recordings and got F.S. on KIEV AM radio Los Angeles via Lil Bear.
Then a phone system was developed that soon occured to the saucer could be used in a
two-way fashion.Small cards with tear off phone numbers got distributed for 30 days and
PartyLine began.The main theme was an ET that LOVES to party and the callers
soon realized a party show is what they were doing.This show lasted over 2 years.Highlights
were recorded and it is available for \$19.95 edited or uncensored.The new Partyline system will be on with the GDK
Grand Opening.
Also Check out "Gads' Diary and Music '79-'04".The material will be used to create shows and run commercials
that will advertise GDK Electronics.
The game begins with your avatar dressed in rags.Based on amount of
participation you earn gold to buy new clothes...
Page 32-37 of Gaia Highschool, Role playing game
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:08 pm
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
Pegasus sits on a bench outside of the school and starts to read her book.
[sees pegasus reading her book on one of the benches alex cames up and sits
down next to her] ha im alex
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:08 pm
Pegasus looks up from her book and looks around. Then she turns back to her
book not seeing anyone.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:11 pm
((and now i have to leave again later))
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:13 pm
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
Pegasus sits on a bench outside of the school and starts to read her book.
[sees pegasus reading her book on one of the benches alex cames up and sits
down next to her] ha im alex
((see you later. is anyone on???))
"Hey, I'm Pegasus" She said shortly looking at the girl. 'I wonder if she will
be the one asking for my homework all year. I hope not.'
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:20 pm
((well i g2g also. i'll be on monday though. hope its picked up by then.))
Come and join my site plz. questing for a book.
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:43 am
hello ppl any one on
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:40 am
Hi can I join?
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:48 am
flying_saucer Wrote:
Hi can I join?
Read front page!!!!
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:57 am
Seeing no-one around I made myself comfortable in the quad area to think
about Peg.She had 3rd period right now and as a senior I only had one class,P.E.
at 6th period.I would of sat in my car in the half empty parking lot but a
glimpse of Peg going to 4th period wasn't possible from there.
I guess I was stalking her in a way but we knew eachother from off campus so
it wasn't like I was a total stranger to her.She waves when she sees me,I smile.
Wow,she's so smart and has so many friends.I had that in my last school but we
had to move cause my dad stopped playing pro ball in that city.
I'm so pathetic.Peg will be better off without a wanna be in her group of
I don't know what to do.Of all the kids here she stands out and I wish I could
offer her something that she dosen't already have.
I love a challenge but this seems to be impossible.How can I rise to be her
best friend?Well I'll just wish a wish and maybe... Oh! theres the bell
ending 3rd period.
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:02 am
Una comes up and shows me the latest issue of the school news paper.I thanked
her, she was the first person I met when I arrived here.
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:05 am
flying_saucer Wrote:
underground_angel comes up and shows me the latest issue of the school news
paper.I thanked her, she was the first person I met when I arrived here.
((dude thats like god modding!))
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:08 am
Ubers then arrives.He's so cool and I get on my knees to him in school respect
since he donates lots of cash to the football team.
Flying_saucer saying it....
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:09 am
((gah add him to your ignore list lisa so he cant post here))
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:15 am
ubersquirrel666 Wrote:
((gah add him to your ignore list lisa so he cant post here))
((He seems alright to me except for he never posted a characture sheet..))
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:16 am
ubersquirrel666 Wrote:
underground_angel Wrote:
ubersquirrel666 Wrote:
underground_angel Wrote:
ubersquirrel666 Wrote:
((gah add him to your ignore list lisa so he cant post here))
((He seems alright to me except for he never posted a characture sheet..))
((he's controlling other characters, he made your character go up and give him
a paper, and he said that mine donates money to the football team wich i
would'nt be caught dead doing that))
((meh if he does it again ill do something leave him alone hes just a poor
little n00b))
((noob or not, noobs are the ultimate evil, they'll bring about the end of the
((I think he left anyways.))
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:36 am
Help Me Get New stuff so I dont look like a slave
Cheap Trades Are Nice Donations Are Nicer:)
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:10 pm
Personality:max. shyness
I'm new, please excuse my offences.I used the wrong names.
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:18 pm
((no one ever comes here ))
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:32 pm
underground_angel Wrote:
((no one ever comes here ))
Or sticks around and makes a story out of it.
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:40 pm
Username: "Doodlez"
Name: Doodie
Age: 14
Appearance: CLASS -->
Gender: Female!!!
Personality: Sweet-smiles girl with a gorgeouse smile;Normaly shes very kind
but when it comes to burning off steem she normaly burns it off on who ever
she lays her eyes on first..
*She finishes filling out her papers and walks out of the Office*
I wuv you all <3<3<3
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:47 pm
Da_Doodleschick Wrote:
Username: "Doodlez"
Name: Doodie
Age: 14
Appearance: CLASS -->
Gender: Female!!!
Personality: Sweet-smiles girl with a gorgeouse smile;Normaly shes very kind
but when it comes to burning off steem she normaly burns it off on who ever
she lays her eyes on first..
*She finishes filling out her papers and walks out of the Office*
*Long whistle* "What a cutie" Ken said from outside Doodie's window, above
which he was hanging upside down.
Kentasko's Crew
Join the battle for Middle Earth. http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10624868
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:18 am
But then like the sun shining through a rainy day Peg walks out of hall 5
after her 3rd period class and sees me looking right at her.Startled she gives
the usual wave and I smile and look at the news that Una gave me.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:49 am
Instead I see Ubers feet and I quickly look up seeing him as he says,
"Earth to new guy,what's your name?" They call me Fly."Who calls you Fly?"
My family does,it's a funny story too um, "Hold up,funny stories later.
I heard your dad plays pro football." How'd you know?
"He talks about his son FLY in a few articles I've read."
Oh,I know,my dad n' I are really alot alike.
"So do you wanna play football with G.High?" um,no,not really.
"Ok,but I'm not done with you yet,late." Later.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:57 am
I watch him disappear into the chaos between 3rd and 4th period and then
I get "THAT FEELING".It's like a deadness of mind and I know it means
I must go find new or known dimentions where "ME MAGIC" is or I get sucked
into the dark-side.So I feel for my spirit guides to direct me.
I have one inside and one outside of me.I hear the inside say,
"Fly you've got to go register for work experience credits in room 61.
"But as I look around at all the students going in every direction the
outside says,"one of these students has "ME MAGIC" for you too."
Flying_saucer saying it....
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:19 am
((you guys i'm lost so i'm not gonna rp on here unless i can figure out
whats going on so sdoes someone wanna explain if not thats fine..lol))
Come and join my site plz. questing for a book.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:39 am
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
((you guys i'm lost so i'm not gonna rp on here unless i can figure out whats
going on so sdoes someone wanna explain if not thats fine..lol))
I don't think there really is a plot in here. It's just a high school.
No, if the officiator of this thing would like to throw in some random events
it might be fun.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:13 am
Name: Smartie
Age: 15
Grade: 11
Personality: Geeky, Know-it-all, opinionated (sp?), loves to debate, kind,
thoughtful... temper....
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:14 am
What must I do next???
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:25 am
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:00 pm
So I look around at all the students going every which way through the quad.
I see
Abercrombie & Fitch, Element, A.eagle, Sean John, Misfits, Beatles, Blondie,
Ramones, Nirvana, Sashes, Felix the Cat, G unit, Sport jerseys, Betty Boop,
Tinker Bell, Tweety Bird, Sequece belts, Stud belts, Painted back packs,
Patches, Checker board shoes, Buttons, Torn jeans, Baggy pants, Tight pants,
Low cut, High tops, Louis vittan purses, Chains to wallets, Phones, Ipods,
Crazy hair, Shall I go on?....I just wear Doors shirts or sport jerseys and
blue jeans
but believe it or not I stand out in my own way, no tats, no pierces,thats just
me,but I see no "ME MAGIC" really......yet.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:54 pm
Within minutes the quad goes empty and 4th period begins.
I get up and go find room 61.Upon entering I see I'm last in line to get to
the councellor there.I sit down and look at the school news again.The mast
head is Roman in design and the issue number is 6 volume 1.I scan the pages
and notice
major articles by Dads,a girl.Tas,a boy and Arts,a girl.Well, there's a little
"ME MAGIC". I'm in room 61 reading issue 6-1.Things run in three's for me so
I'm very aware of any signs with 6 and 1 in it for awhile.The school paper is
pushing football try-outs and cheer leader try-outs.I think, Peg dosent have a
football player in her life but my dad dosen't want me to go that route in life.
Last years football team went 6 wins and 1 loss. Boom, there it is, the third 6,1.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:17 pm
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:55 pm
Meanwhile Peg, my most attracting female entity, is in a battle to be the
best attractor she can be, like we all do. Peg's got someone that has her in a
strange position and if I could know her better I'd tell her to escape the
dark-side she isn't escaping from.I know, sometimes it's easier said than done.
Especially when you have to be dependent for your life supports.
If only I could get the miracle web site done.I'd just hand her the template
and she could fill in the rest and make her own money. Then I'd be the best
friend she ever had and ever will need,but I don't yet know that, my spirit
guides do.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:39 am
meanwhile in a coaches football meeting...
Ubers is giving a plan about the up-coming football season.
"I'm telling you guys this kid Fly is the answer to a 7 and 0 winning season
for us."
"And probabily All State, who knows, Nationals even."
Coach Hardaway chimes in,"You can't win football games without a certain
amount of intimidation power, but, a rumor? I want the other teams to fear
our solid execution of plays and strength."
Ubers-"That's your job coach but I want the other teams to think it isn't
in their best interest to beat us,like it will effect their future Pro plans
if they try too hard against us."
Hardaway-"Well,that's your job Ube, but no unethical tricks and I don't want
anybodies reputation hurt,namely Fly or his dad,clear?"
Ubers-"Ok,yeah. Cool,cool."
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:54 am
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:59 am
Back in room 61.
Fly is overhearing some students talking...
"You know she loves that school paper job but she loves parties more."
"Una always invites the Abercrombies and they get people crazy with all their
Devil talk.""Everybody listens, you gotta admit their interesting."
"Well I don't see glorifying drugs and sex because of the, we're actually
nothing anyway excuse."
"But if the aliens can't understand us enough to help us then it's over.
The oil will run out and that's it.So PARTY ON!""I still think the computers
will be able to absorbe us all into it and we won't need hardly any energy to
exist forever.""Whatever, it's still freedom.If you never die then nothing
kills ya so PARTY ON!""You must be an Abercrombie or at least a convert."
"shut up.""I'll see Una 5th period."
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:36 am
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:10 am
((I'm so confused about whats going on so I'll just start over with my person
if thats ok. I hope it is tell me if its not.))
Name: Pegasus Ventrice
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Personality: Keeps to herself. Not to many friends. She doesn't put up with
peoples crap. She might come off as a jerk but doesn't really want to deep down
inside. More will be revealed.
Come and join my site plz. questing for a book.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:35 am
smartass162005 Wrote:
Kentasko Wrote:
smartass162005 Wrote:
Steps out of School Bus and stares, wide-eyed at my new new school. I hope
against hope that I'll get new friends quickly; taking a deep breathe I take a
step up the School path towards, what I figure as, trouble.
Taking the last step, I look back and notice the Bus has left and I was left
alone. I clutch my suitcase tightly and look up and down the fields that
stretch on eitherside of the ancient building. I notice a sign. I squinted at
it, and read out loud:
"Do not throw stuff at this sign!"
This amuses me in a way that I wonder if the sign had been there in the first
place, would people throw stuff at it? I notice the slight dents in the white
Wheres the welcome partaaaaaai anyway?"
Walking along the rooftops, Ken looks down at the front of the building as a
bus speeds away. He spots a girl looking at the sigins in the front and stops.
"Heh heh heh." He chuckles to himself. "This school is full of so many pretty
girls." He crouches on the end of the roof, his toes dangling several stories
up in the air. "This place just might get interesting."
Sensing someones stares Smartie looks up to see a boy dangling from the roof
top. Smartie raises an eyebrow.
Noticing that he had been spotted, Ken backs up a pace, then hops and flips
off the building, freefalling to the ground until he reaches a flag pole
halfway down. He grabs it on his side, letting his momentum swing him around,
and flies to another flag on the lower floor. Swinging back and forth,
Ken turns himself around and jumps for the canopy of a nearby tree,
hoping to catch a branch. He does, and it breaks! He falls down the tree,
bumping into branch after branch, and finally snags on a twig by the back of
his shirt. Despite the cuts and bruises, he looks to the newcomer, waves, and
says in a cheery, almost giddy voice, "Welcome."
Kentasko's Crew
Join the battle for Middle Earth. http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10624868
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:40 am
((I guess do your own thing here))
No-one is talking now and everyone in the room has got head phones on.
I'm thinking about what I've just heard but Peg is my main obsession.
I wonder what she would think about all that?
I don't think Peg's a party person.I wish I could come up with a computer
program to save the world.I've heard it's the nefilum that want to destroy the
universe.They do it by getting everyone to blindly follow beauty over brains.
I see it happening in this world today.It's not what you know, it's if you are
T.V. ready.
Peg is definitly made for T.V. but does T.V. want any brains to come out of her?
Man, It's getting confusing to create a life.Oh,It's my turn,Cool I'm outa here.
Flying_saucer saying it....
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:56 am
So I leave after registering for work experience credits and head out to the
quad area again to wait for Peg.I've been given alot of information today and
I sit and think what it all could be asking me to do.Then up comes Dads and
introduces herself to me saying,"I hear you are a pro football players son.
Will you do an interview for the school news?" No way,please, I'm just a normal
kid! "Well I think with a sensative article I could save you from alot of heart
ache,see I know there are some people already talking about using you for their
own benefit." Oh, *&^%^% no! What do you suggest?"Actually you should go to a
private school,but may be that's the angle we need.How about we say that your
experience with private schools is that they are so against normal people it
makes you sick and that you want a normal life here at G High?"
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:08 am
Do you really think people will let me be if you say that?"Yes I do.
I could go to the school shrink and get his take on student peer pressures,
predjudices and laws against harassment."WoW! sounds good,but I don't want to
seem untouchable.
Well I'll conclude that you are going to be at Unas' party and would love to
meet new friends there."
I think to my-self.Would that get Peg to the party?I could just be my-self and
form a click and be cool,bing bang boom.
Okay,go for it."Oh my Gosh!Cool.I'll show you the story before we go to press."
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:15 pm
(( any one on))
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:53 pm
((I'm on.))
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:58 pm
Name: Mike aka Diablo
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Apperance: Avatar
Personality: Joker/Kind to friends/Not so kind to enemies
You Don't Have A Fluffy Tail
You Don't Have Squirrelly Wrath
You Just Build To Destroy
While I Collect Some Nuts
And You All
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:04 pm
Pegasus sat on a bench and watched as people walked by. 'Its too sunny here.'
Pegasus stood up and moved to under a tree where it was much darker and
continued to watch people pass.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:09 pm
[ alex opened her locker and pulled out her binders and stuff closes the lock
and walks down hall to her first period]
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:19 pm
((sry but i have 2 go. i'll b on tomarrow i hope. ))
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:40 pm
my rp character
I pledge alligence to the flag that michael jackson is a fag.he used to play
with little toys,now he plays with little boys
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:09 pm
All of a sudden a group arrives and seems to be looking for a good spot in
the quad.One I'll call xx, cause of her t-shirt, sets up a camera.The others
form a line for a picture. They becon to me to help push the camera button.
The 4th period bell rings and chaos erupts.Someone else runs up to snap the
picture.I see Peg and she is surrounded by a bunch of people.She seems to be
in a hurry so I can't tell her what has happened today since she is a part of
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:15 pm
[ alexs friends start following her all around talking about celerties and
boys and there topic alex and how she needed a guy and a cat and .....
on and on]
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:25 pm
5th period begins and I go to my car for awhile.I'll take a quick nap.
I'm over-loaded with the days events.I set my cell phone alarm and doze off
but I soon wake by a tap on my window.
"Hey,You got a light dude." I see a what looks like a school narc. patrolling
the parking lot but why ask me for a light.I know the game.He is fishing for
some reason to suspect me of something.Ha,I'll mess with him.Yeah I got a light.
You wanna share a joint with me?I see his eyes light up.I don't have any weed.
I just want to reverse his game on him."You got some grass on you right now?
"It's obvious he's sizing me up for the kill so I say,not on me here but I got
a pound in my friends locker.Wanna buy some too?He looks like he is gonna have
a heart attack now."Yea man I've been looking for a connect for ever in this
school.I'll wait here.How long you gonna be?"
Oh, 10 minutes man.what do you want? 20 40 I won't bother bringing any more
than a pipe load for less.He stammers at my question."Uh,well I got 20.
yea 20's cool."
Ok, I 'll be right back.Wait in the quad. I lock the car and go.He'll be
waiting for awhile.I'll watch him squirm from the 2nd floor over the Quad.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:36 pm
As I'm watching from above, a girl comes up from behind me and scares the
heck out of me."sorry"she says as I put my heart back into my chest.Hi I say,
I'm just watching that guy down below.He thinks I am going to sell him a 20
but I'm just seeing if he's a narc."That's so mean." Well he came up to me so
I decided to teach him that I'm wise to his games. "What if he's cool?"
Then he will talk to me later and I'll reveal my game on him.He'll dig it.
I've done this to people before.
"My name is K,what's yours?" Fly.
Flying_saucer saying it....
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:04 am
((I'm lost what class is it?))
Come and join my site plz. questing for a book.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:17 am
Name: Ex
Age: 150
Gender: F
Personality: Very moody 99% of the time. Keeps to her self and trys not to get
into anything that has nothing to do with her self.
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Preference: Bi
Race: Vampire angels
Bio: Her father was an angel who loved the good things that day brught, Her
mother was a vampire who lived only for the night, blood, pain, and death.
It was said long ago that Essence Xitin would bring the night and day world
togeather sum day, that her being born would bring about peace in the lands of
Demons and things unspoken of. but Ex has yet to figer out what she has to do.
She left home 100 years ago when her mother was staked in the heart by hunters.
And ever since then took up a new life. Now she travles the lands and stays
only a short while before moveing on.
Dorm #: 3
Weapons: throwing stars
Powers: teleport, telekinesis, flying, Night
*~Bisexual and proud~*
Some times being on Gaia makes my I.Q Go down.
Yuri Yaoi Mixer Bar
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:44 pm
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
((I'm lost what class is it?))
flying_saucer Wrote:
((Fly isn't in class.He is hanging around on school grounds waiting to go to
6th period P.E. It's currently 5th period.))
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:53 pm
I'm getting "THAT FEELING." We'll I'm gonna go, I've had my fun with this.
Maybe I'll see you at Unas' party,bye.
I'm thinking. wow! if Peg would of seen that exit from an obvious in with a
fine baby she'd love me much more.Oh well,Girls have secret esp between
I believe.They say alot when they seem to be saying nothing,so I know Peg will
get the message.
Flying_saucer saying it....
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:02 pm
flying_saucer Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
((I'm lost what class is it?))
flying_saucer Wrote:
((Fly isn't in class.He is hanging around on school grounds waiting to go to
6th period P.E. It's currently 5th period.))
Pegasus sat in fifth. She was so bored. She stared out the window hoping
someone would come by and save her from this madness. 'I need to find some
friends. And somewhere to go when I don't go to class. Oh well maybe this year
I'll go to all my classes. Yeah right!' Pegasus laughed quitely to herself.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:04 pm
[ alex sits in her desk bored out of her mind tapping her pencile on the wood
and humming the teacher had no idea]
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:26 pm
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
Pegasus continued to sit there. She wasn't hearing a word the teacher was
saying. She pulled out a peice of paper and began to doodle. 'I'm so board!
I wonder when this class gets out.' Pegasus looked at the clock. 'You have got
to be kidding me. It gets out in five minutes. Thats to long!'
[ looks at the girl next to her] tell me about it
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:42 pm
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
"Huh? Oh." Pegasus looked over at the girl. 'She looks nice. Not what I'm into
mostly but if she will help me skip class what do I care?' Pegasus thought to
[smile] im alex
Come and join my site plz. questing for a book.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:45 pm
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
kiara9963284 Wrote:
Pegasus_Ventrice Wrote:
"Oh. I'm Pegasus." Pegasus didn't smile back at her. She hardly trusted anyone
who could smile anymore. Her life had been too full of pain to smile much
do you like hate me or some thing [ looks puzzled]
"Huh? Oh no. I don't hate you. I hate the world." Pegasus was doodling again.
It was true she hated the world. She secretly hoped that a guy would come
along and show her that there was some good in the world.
that sucks [nodding her head]
[turns attenion away from the girl and starts packing up to]
"Not really. You get used to it I guess." Pegasus heard the one minute bell
ring. She started to pack up her things.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:46 pm
The bell rang and Pegasus stood up. She started for the door slowly so that
she wouldn't get ran over with all the other kids.
Come and join my site plz. questing for a book.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:00 pm
So I walk over to hall 7 where peg will come out soon.I think she has been
ditching alot cause I feel lucky if I see her.I wonder if Peg would like that
K that I just meet.It's not like Peg needs more friends but K seems to be in
alot of places at once if she was able to suprise me as I was suprising
someone else.
Well,I wish I could get a spirit guide to help me with a good start to a
conversation with Peg if I see her before 6th period begins.But actually I like
to get to the P.E. class quick so I can suit up and find a place in the
basketball seats so a quick 5 minute talk is too short to even start.
Oh theres the bell ending 5th period.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:41 pm
Then I hear a familiar voice.It's Ubers sayin', "Hey Fly,can you get your dad
to do an interview with G.high school news?"Uhm,Well the paper is doing an
article on me right now.""With you? What's the topic?" Um,It's about harassment.
"What kind of harassment is...Then here comes Peg, I gotta go Ubers, I'll talk
to my Dad. Peg!Peg! she's already halfway across the quad before I see her.
Her head is down and she looks intent on staring a hole through the ground.
I don't have time to catch up with her,Oh man,I turn and go to the gym lockers.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:25 pm
"Wow. I've been hanging on this tree for a looong time now." Ken said to
himself. Realizing everyone was in school, he shouts.
He starts to sob as the echoes of his scream die away.
Kentasko's Crew
Join the battle for Middle Earth. http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10624868
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:36 am
So I'm in the gym naked and Tas comes up, introduces himself as a school news
reporter.Oh I've seen your by-line in the paper,What's up."Well Ubers sent me
to ask you if your dad would do a interview and what we want to discuss is the
draft system in pro sports." With my gym clothes on now...I'll ask him.
"That's So cool dude,thanks." Your welcome. Today I'm not first into the
basketball court seats.I don't like to be watched as I come in.
It's just a "thing" of mine.The P.E. coach comes in and walks right up to me
saying,"Name" Fly sir."Fly go put on your jock I can see your nuts."
Totally embarassed, I jump up to go put on that made by idiots thing.
When I return the coach has got everyone lined up along the wall and two guys
facing them choosing out teams.We play dodge ball today.So the game is going
on and not much comes my way to do.I notice one guy getting our guys out more
than any other.Finally the ball comes to me.I know who I want to hit.
I immediatly throw at him as he turns his head looking the other way he sees
nothing as the ball hits him and he fails to catch it.YES he's out!
I turn to get congrats by my team then as I turn around to continue playing
BANG! that guy I eliminated slugs me right in the face and I'm bleeding.
Everybody stops to look.I'm
sent to the nurses office.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:55 pm
((This RP started BACK on page 32))
Forgetting completely about the guy waiting for me in the quad,I walk through
to the administration building and he catches me."Oh man!What happened to you?"
I got beat up and my dope got stolen."Wo,Well I better get out of here before
campus security throws me out." Yeah,you better. I walk into the nurses office
with a white terry cloth towel, from the shower room, on my face.The nurse sees
me immediatly."Let me see." she says. I lower the towel hoping she won't
grimmace at the sight of me."OK, lets clean you up......It's not bad at all.
I doubt you'll have a shiner.Now go to the P.E. coache's office."Upon arriving
I see the guy that hit me sitting there.I sit.The coach begins,"Fly do you
want to press charges about this?" No,I'm not a cop caller."I appreciate that
Fly,OK,I'm going to do this.I'm going to recommend continuation school.
He's suspended indefinitly.Fly you can go.Try and have a nice weekend.
See you monday,OK?" OK.
Flying_saucer saying it....
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:47 pm
Well you probabily have guessed what happens next.My dad pulls me out of
and makes me go to a private school.I end up developing a miracle web site
that changes the world for the better and better.Peg and I develop new
products and services and become the best of friends.
((If you would like the text version of "The Flying Saucers R.P.G. story",
with all who added in included, please feel free to ask.I have also posted the
entire transcript of pages 32-37 of Underground _Angels' Highschool R.P.G. on
www.heavenonearth.biz click on "The partyline".Thank you so much for
participating.I love you all.))