auto anti hijack and theft deterrent system


Model #1 "Super Privledged" has an instant kill non-delay system when you open 
the door or leave the auto the unit activates and shuts off the ignition. 
Model #1 easily upgrades with our special system plug to a time delay.

Model #2 "Optimum Classified" has a time delay introduced ignition cutout 
system. Open the door and leave the auto, move or stop the auto. It then 
activates and cuts off the ignition. Model #2 easily upgrades with our special 
system plug to a remote control function.

Model #3 "Ultimate Confidential" is a time delay introduced ignition cut out 
system with remote control. To activate the unit you open the door or leave the
 auto, move or stop the auto, and the ignition will be turned off. The remote 
control turns the ignition on. Model #3 easily upgrades with our special plug 
to remote control on and off, video function, audio function, tracking function,
 alternate power supply.

Model #4 "Omnius Top Secret" is a time delay introduced ignition cutout system 
with remote control that shuts off the ignition even if the thief can by pass 
the time delay in our device. It has a twenty mile range. If you have a phone 
you can call in instant kill and turn the ignition on with the remote control. 
This unit operates like the other models. It activates when you open the door 
or leave the auto, or move or stop. This model has the following add on 
accessories; video, audio, tracking systerns, alternate power supply, enclosed 
device protection. This model is tailored for armored trucks,U.P.S. and U.S. 
Post Office vehicles, interstate trucks, courier vehicles, and limos...

Models 1, 2, and 3 rely on covert installation of two or one Uswitch, the 
ignition turn on and the valet switch. The remote control system does away 
with the ignition turn on switch but not the valet Uswitch. Model #4 has no 
monthly charges to operate. All models are compatible with existing remote 
control auto alarm and alarm systems. All models can be easily upgraded to our 
Model #4. You can start with Model #1 and upgrade it to Models #2, #3, and #4 
with our special system plug.

Note: Unit installation is exactly like an auto alarm system unless a seat 
pressure or Uswitch is desired. Simply give the carjacker your keys and let 
the "HIJACK BUSTER" Models #1-#4 do the rest.