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Make sure your screen is opened wide to see this plotted data. What you are seeing is the data from a signature card I wrote in
Qbasic. Try zooming your browser in and out to see the cool images. The program MOUSE9.exe reads the mouse pointer x y coordinates.
Signatures are unique and different and that is as good as a random generated password of the highest complexity
so what your looking at is uncrackable code from data you have written on the MOUSE9.exe program.
If you'd like to have some word plotted out and graphed then download the MOUSE9.exe qbasic program I upgraded for this purpose.
MOUSE9.exe If you don't have Qbasic for your 64 bit system get it here... QB64
Run it and write any word on the center screen with your mouse pointer then quickly click the X on the upper right corner of the screen, exit.
Then upload namex.txt and namey.txt files in the folder where you run the MOUSE9.exe program, they are both instantly created in there, probably in the QB64 folder.
Then upload them through this wizard and see what a Big Mess You Made me :) Save the page this created and use it on your own web site too.
Each file should be no more than 1-3 KB or so if done correctly. Have Fun with it...GDK

Please upload the namex.txt first then the

namey.txt file second if you want two key graphs plotted.

If you redirect back to after clicking this SubmitForm you did good :)

Your graphic will work as soon as you upload them both...

Now use custom zoom out on your web browser to 25 % and you will see the plot much better.

Size of each array is 150 Elements but browsers only allow 150
array x 135 133 142 144 145 146 147 149 150 151 153 154 156 157 161 163 166 167 168 171 172 174 176 177 178 179 180 183 184 187 188 189 190 191 193 195 197 198 200 201 203 204 205 207 208 211 212 213 215 217 218 219 220 221 227 231 240 244 250 252 255 259 260 263 264 265 266 267 269 272 274 275 277 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 288 289 291 300 303 307 310 314 315 317 318 319 321 322 324 326 328 331 334 335 337 338 339 340 341 342 345 346 347 348 349 350 352 356 368 372 374 376 379 380 382 384 386 387 388 389 390 392 393 396 400 401 403 404 406 409 411 412 413 414 420 425 434 437 443 444 446 450 454
arraytwo y 417 405 328 312 306 303 300 295 290 286 282 277 272 268 263 258 256 250 245 240 236 231 228 222 219 214 211 207 204 205 208 214 220 225 229 231 235 239 242 244 251 255 258 271 276 279 285 289 292 298 300 315 314 301 293 280 273 267 259 255 250 245 242 240 238 236 231 227 224 221 217 216 213 212 205 202 199 195 194 199 211 214 219 224 232 234 237 241 244 249 252 256 259 265 275 282 289 293 296 298 301 303 305 307 309 311 316 319 317 312 290 284 277 275 268 266 261 257 252 249 247 244 242 240 237 232 221 220 211 203 199 194 191 195 201 210 215 228 231 236 245 251 255 258 263 266 268 271 273 277