Please excuse this paste-up brochure.The good one is secret for now.
GDK headquarters;
To our Sales staff,
To choose and request sales materials go to
To fax materials to customers;sign up for a account and you will get info. there to enter the gdk shared files faxing area.
To our Credit Dept.,GDK Capital; Continue checking credit of business customers. Dont forget,we only do "cash with order" if bad credit is given.
To our Fundraisers;
In 1980 computers for the masses was just beginning.Programmers
were writing lots of programs but were not copyrighting them
for sale because computer programs were too easy to steal.That
fact,brought GDK to copyright 56 computer programs in a book.
One of those programs is being infringed upon by a deep pocket
industry and negotiations or legal suits will capitalize GDK.
The momentum grows stronger as the fundraisers continue to offer
investors GDK stock.Legal fees necessary to get a $200,000,000
judgement for GDK is not what the investor money will go to.The
money will be used to fill a 10,000 unit order for $1,000,000 profit.
To see what has been raised so far,to the $500,000 limit,please
request via email by using only one word,"funds".
For every $1.00 invested GDK will issue 9 stocks at $2.61 per
stock payable when the companies profits equals $28,000,000.
The investments are fully refundable and will be deposited into
a joint account so no withdrawls without all investors signatures
is allowed.The interest will capitalize the company.
When Investment Bankers do an I.P.O to raise $200,000,000
to capitalize GDK,please ignore the GDK D.P.O. to raise $500,000.