Dollars o' phone data coins earned today idxxxxxx4357 got 10 coins idxxxxxx1486 got 11 coins idxxxxxx3545 got 12 coins idxxxxxx9768 got 13 coins idxxxxxx3475 got 14 coins Dollars o' phone data coins earned today idxxxxxx8799 got 15 coins idxxxxxx2542 got 16 coins idxxxxxx4785 got 17 coins idxxxxxx2311 got 18 coins idxxxxxx4588 got 19 coins Dollars o' phone data coins earned today idxxxxxx8897 got 19 coins idxxxxxx2366 got 20 coins idxxxxxx3655 got 21 coins idxxxxxx8556 got 22 coins idxxxxxx1443 got 23 coins idxxxxxx4556 got 24 coins Dollars o' phone data coins earned today idxxxxxx8022 got 25 coins idxxxxxx5707 got 26 coins idxxxxxx2306 got 27 coins idxxxxxx8004 got 28 coins idxxxxxx2446 got 29 coins idxxxxxx2378 got 30 coins Dollars o' phone data coins earned today idxxxxxx5560 got 31 coins idxxxxxx2246 got 32 coins idxxxxxx3607 got 33 coins idxxxxxx2343 got 34 coins idxxxxxx4560 got 10 coins idxxxxxx7658 got 35 coins idxxxxxx9023 got 36 coins idxxxxxx4335 got 37 coins idxxxxxx2306 got 38 coins idxxxxxx4335 got 39 coins idxxxxxx6770 got 40 coins idxxxxxx1298 got 41 coins Dollars o' phone data coins earned today idxxxxxx4255 got 42 coins idxxxxxx7802 got 43 coins idxxxxxx9955 got 44 coins idxxxxxx3574 got 45 coins idxxxxxx4530 got 46 coins idxxxxxx4366 got 47 coins Dollars o' phone data coins earned today idxxxxxx5570 got 48 coins idxxxxxx2145 got 49 coins




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    1. Slots

    2. Dice Toss

    3. Bahai Calendar

    4. Moon up-over head

    5. JapaMala bead Calendar

    6. Daily,Conception Bio-Rhythm

    7. Assoc Computer Entra. ACEbup

    8. National Grade System, Public or private use

    9. "Pinch Tech", B.A.S.I.C. you write to run on the Internet

    10. Cash register, fully eraseable, and qrcoded

    invoices.... $25.00

  • 11. Suite of GDK products to the DESKTOP folder, install now, try free.

  • 12. Playing Card Football, Now on the Internet, Please Gamble responsibly.

  • 13. CRAP SHOOT


  • 15. Chatpass

  • 16. chatpass upgraded

  • 17. MYCRON instructions

  • 18. The RUN BIRD game

  • 19. The NUMBERS game

  • 20. New 10pin Scorekeeper

  • 21. Sounds Crazy

  • 22. Moving clouds simulator

  • 23. Serial Number Generator

  • 24. TTL countdown Screen

  • 25. Reminder-log Service

  • 26. vox Mailmail super private

  • 27. W9 form (employees only)

  • 28. Geo tagged freehand signature

  • 29. USA Cities Lat.Long. search

  • 30. Random Info./Tips for websites

  • 31. GDK's updating Banner widget

  • 32. "Cupids' Line" Ice Breaker service.

  • 33. AASIGN handwritten uncrackable codes

  • 34. Make patterns from handwriting

  • 35. Hi-Def. binary text watermarking

  • 36. .gif binary reformatting tool

  • 37. Use this calendars HTML source

  • 38. Library QR acqcode database.

  • 39. Custom QRcode image on image

  • 40. Wand OR pen scans to website

  • 41. Change Link, URL rename and shrink

  • 42. A12, code and decode system

  • 43. vox PanicButton, instant alert system

  • 44. General Sound Generator

  • 45. Notepad++? search/replace text

  • 46. vox IPME, IP update for home qrcodes

  • 47. Sticky Notes: Writing system

  • 48. Email Ready, email lists made easy

  • 49. Link Miner, list all links on a website

  • 50. Remove duplicates from lists

  • 51. Read Code 128 barcodes

  • 52. Reserved Seating

  • 53. Shelf code chat (tm) beta

  • 54. IP gateway, block non-locals

  • 55. Optical Character Recognition

  • 56. Unix 10 number to date

  • 57. UPC-QR bulk shelf item notepad system

  • 58. Merge 300 x 300 image to a QRcode

  • 59. Convert .png image to html & linked

  • 60. Convert .html to .ps postscript

  • 61. Lost Cell Phone Finder

  • 62. Server Monitor

  • 63. Server Monitor again

  • 64. Not Your Momma's Game Of LIFE

  • 65. Hangman 1.3.4 by J.R. Greer

  • 66. Random words & Scrabble point values

  • 67.BATTLESHIP play from command line

  • 68. a12a anti-bot input form

  • 69. Blog; GDK modified for php v.4.1.2

  • 70. Activity indicator demo's, View > Source

  • 71. Calendar jquery plug in gdk improved

  • 72. Offline or Online, validate clients

  • 73. DNA sequencer plus five more tools

  • 74. Magic 8ball knows all

  • 75. Database 3.0 (not mysql)

  • 76. Link Grab 1.0 perl and php on one page

  • 77. vox p?*search Flying Everything

  • 78. Text Versions of websites

  • 79. vox myLIVEwebsite using even the cheapest cellphones

  • 80. Set the access and modify time of a file

  • 81. Click on log to see your internet caller ID info.

  • 82. "Usage Moment" real time merchant customer valid agreements.

  • 83. Downloader from URL or form w/REST endpoint locked

  • 84. One minute custom invoices (uses Cash Register)

  • 85. One minute custom contracts + freehand signature card & GPS

  • 86. ANYALERT2CELL custom sms text message alert to cell phone

  • 87. Create Email sales tag images for all API tiny websites

  • 88. Biz Card creator with QR phone dialer

  • 89. Security Camera .jpg encoder & decoder system

  • 90. Introduce you're business to Crowdfunding Portals

  • 91. Monopoly(c) from Mcdonalds(c) ;Board with 6 moving pieces

  • 92. Dollar Item Advertisers; Join up with my sales

  • 93. Replace text in multiple file extensions in a folder/dir

  • 94. Quick and easy, simple calculator.

  • 95. GPS slicer and dicer for improving GPS .gpx files

  • 96. Inputting download page for up2download

  • 97. Free Exif information/gps read and write tool

  • 98. Becloud html, overtravel spreadsheets' text , A download passkey

  • 99. Replace text in non-cgi dynamic file trees, in a top folder/dir

  • 100. show2me, Can you add something to the computers mind???

  • 101. Screenshot of script to decode 10 digit 128 barcode .png images

  • 102. Reminder-log API URL you can use for your own.

  • 103. Search all code and text in a dir/folder, print filename(s)

  • 104. Cash Register Image map used with "Library QRcode barcode database"

  • 105. Calendar with random red yellow highlighted dates

  • 106. MYSQL sandbox for remote editing of eblah-sql-beta-4 eblah_members table

  • 107. Feet per fractions of second, or seconds, converted to MPH

  • 108. Secure emailer for you if in a real hurry to send an email

  • 109. AFFILIATE! custom software, set AFFILIATE name cookie in customers computer

  • 110. NoLine fixes those files where excessive new lines are unwanted.

  • 111. Make instant search results with qrcodes by encoding API search url's

  • 112. csChatRBox chat running in perl 5.006 in upgraded condition for testing only

  • 113. Ordering-Online, a system to demonstrate event time ordering online

  • 114. Data eraser; to remove the first line aka 0 line in a file

  • 115. reserve any subdomain http://????????? for QRcoded ordering-online software

  • 116. If a home server is on; upload QRcode image for sms text decoding message back

  • 117. If a home server is on; Ordering-Online, a system to demonstrate event time ordering online

  • 118. If a home server is on; Check all urls after the top two in a range of 20 for status 200. allow 6 minutes

  • 119. Where do old emails go to tell their old stories to robots who'll listen? HERE

  • 120. Thin Upload to root if you know ftp:// id and pass, admin only, OR Amazon S3

  • 121. Android tablet server/wifi hotspot; Ordering Online off and on for subscribers;

  • 122. Create Data Urls so no need of constant http requests to display your images.

  • 123. Freedns Get email to your cell phone showing new ip if the dynamic ip changes

  • 124. Private Auctions; Do the Sell Item section, put your email in description box.

  • 125. Amazon s3 cloud services builds API URL's. CloudFront sha256 salt is zero'd

  • 126. Database encryption method you can use to protect data customers from any attacks.

  • 127. Charts and more flash charts...Puffin 9.0.0 browser makes flash work.

  • 128. This is a study of xively API and related code done in php but now done in perl.

  • 129. A free and open chatroom. Get your own or request my .html code. It's under 1kb in size

  • 130. User management system I got running in the cloud for my app. Anyalert2cell.apk

  • 131. Where the URL? The place to list where old URL's were reborn

  • 132. Dummy Images; create custom images for website developers. add-on by GDK

  • 133. Point of Sale Inventory system for online ordering. mysql add-on by GDK

  • 134. Bible Binary Coder; create rules on data to mine large databases

  • 135. Find the Galactic Center throughout the year, avoid the Black Hole

  • 136. Admin Login for phpInstant Gallery Link Generator Tourist Gallery Wilshire Grand Hotel

  • 137. Certificate Of Authenticity, save the html source code s3loa.html to recreate the hash

  • 97b & 136b Upload to EXIF for the tourist gallery submittions Wilshire Grand Hotel

  • 138. Abyss Web Server Console :: SSL/TLS Certificates and using

  • 139. My Lab contents, You use for tracking your valuables and location pictures

  • 140. loadbalancing logins, 2 userCake logins to

  • 141. Create Missions for friends to complete to then earn what you'll pay

  • 142. This is the properties full disclosure form for new listings

  • 143. URL consecutive numbers editor. High speed url creation demo.

  • 144. PHPX Forum and more. No email activated client accounts

  • 145. Developers using any GDK system data or scripts get your keys

  • 146. Always On Text Only in the Cloud Browser. Surf in private or check domains

  • 147. hide web files use myname

  • 148. Cloud Aquisition Vehicle and Best Practice Blog alerting industry's

  • 149. Get the Subject of a certificate For quickest Login creations

  • 150. Use the API URL and the script will GET .pem certs to verify.

  • 151. Use fSQL to INSERT CREATE DELETE a .txt flat file with API URL.

  • cURL cron remindme/idpass8.cgi xml8.xml graphic 28860 LIVE line 128

  • 152. JSON flight plan and capture. cURL API to JSON capturing URL's

  • 153. LIBRARY BARCODE DATABASE SCAN for use with line 40

  • 154. Mysql Mobile; lists your mysql tables to then select, insert and delete. Download app.

  • 155. Barcode Organizer GDK (beta) fixing a system that deserves to live :)

  • 156. Dark Matter Cookie; install a cookie on your computer and overwrite it.

  • 157. One click logins on source code

    |request github fork to apps

  • 158. Terminal; quickly browse this site by using partial paths. root starts from /

  • 159.Gold key SSL Secured Seal; Sharing trust relationships online

  • 160. What is happening in this super app. bundle and here

  • 161. Order Kiosk and sidebar Order Kiosk

  • 162. Q.L.S.S. Quantum Light Spin Secret; uses alpha only shared secret to encode client logins

  • 163. Gallery of gdk installed prestashop 1.3 Store Backend tabs. Full 1.6 version available

  • 164. PC calculator: accepts many formulas used in computer programming

  • 165. WEBLOG SSL parsing of the most recent log in /etc/httpd/logs/ for timing sessions

  • 166. Job Launcher; Testing software developers for jobs through

  • 167. Employees Time Clock; integration by gdk and archives on

  • 168. IP2url get the url from the numerical only type IP address

  • 169. etcPASScs; in UNIX etc folder create and search password files

  • 170. ChatD; A chat room designed so anyone can delete anything, instantly.

  • 171. Remove all the data:images on bookmarks using AA:imageBBCC"DD then html source.

  • 172. Reduce any size number with 26/ The remainder is its letter counterpart.

  • 173. Input your options in this windows Command Prompt command-line simulator.

  • 174. Plug and Play migrating from cgi to cgi-bin hosting, use this order form.

  • 175. Penny Stock Video Income See videos & earn pennies the group invests

  • 176. Add iframe to the top of your website so users know to scroll down

  • 177. WURFL device detector; answers desktop or mobile click on Demo link

  • 178. DDDesign, staff knowledge base, Domain Driven Design DDD Model

  • 179. Clictionary; any combination of letters and no space, one space or double space

  • 180. GDK Cert Authority UI for the GDK money wealth redistribution app.

  • 181. Serious Future Date iframe to reactivate expirations

  • 182. Viewer for PDF files online scroll to botton link to use

  • 183. use the domain name for Develope Virtural projects

  • 184. Imagemagick convert images from png to pdf

  • 185. Imagemagick resizing, many options coming real soon

  • 186. Blu super smart phones, see the whole offer and save big

  • 187. TUINSIG: the shift is on for one click iNotary signatures

  • 188. Checking if imagemagick and GD exists or gives suggestions

  • 189. Linguists tool to check a lexicon with rules of speech

  • 190. Wordsearch, same words change places on every new page load

  • 191. Shared Secret minute+, a shared secret signed string for the next minute

  • 192. Battleship ported to the net, see command line version 67. above

  • 193. Plivo; call my cell phone from the web or for lordyumyum show hosts

  • 194. is now a game on Facebook, are you a biz titan?

  • 195. Barcode creator with 11 different barcode formats, QRcodes see line 87

  • 196. Check if mobile browser is set as a desktop or a mobile user agent

  • 197. See a valid file upload request by GDK using RequestBin from Runscope

  • 198. Gallery player/uploader; Repurposed security camera monitoring script

  • 199. Send current minute plus one to my Telegram bot @geraldkrug3 curl N/A

  • 200. Always On Text Only Cloud Browser to normal html browser. see line 146.

  • 201. Antisocial Capers/Done Cheap; Where the money, what's da caper

  • 202. Pitch in pictures to corporations listed in the comment section

  • 203. Yet another file backup system and much so much more

  • 204. Wealth redistribution system and contest organizer, admin backdoor

  • 205. Yearly Wealth Distribution System , admin. user only

  • 206. User Manager perl script; like Cake php. I upgraded

  • 207. perl crypt suite with API url for random password hashing

  • 208. Hover-over Footnotes throughout text and text to html converter

  • 209. Connect your Cell phone number and instructions after First Uploading pic

  • 210. Hack this working text/sms to wireless phones, get free messages $25 value

  • 211. My instant coupons, crowd control, mass item discounter, mass item naming

  • 212. Alibi, dated webpage is created/saved in cloud as proof of creation

  • 213. traceroute updated and google mapping of IP address

  • 214. Planets lowest fractions arranged in 10 notes over 3 octaves

  • 215. Personal Account Recovery; Have a picture ID ready to upload

  • 216. Smart contracts; Miners make 31 cents each contract coming soon

  • 217. Create auto login with AWS sdk, request yours

  • 218. Demo45 easy six button login, protect your bookmarked sites

  • 219. Wildcard *. the beginning on each line of a domain list

  • 220. Get configuration data returned by a bash script for perl

  • 221. Use three urls in iframes for headline-comment over any website

  • 222. Production emails cookie/auth. auto user registration tool

  • 223. desired webpage to login then desired webpage immediatly returned

  • 224. Amazon Dash wand hack. Barcode triggers from valid barcodes

  • 225. The 26 images found along wave save as your data as image name

  • 226. Incremental inputting for multiple choice options

  • 227. Patent flowchart for all logic on this website

  • 228. Audio Record options box for smartphone audio record app.

  • 229. 7 word passphrase generator, strongest Id and password

  • 230. AI your way, vectored data seemingly alive

  • 231. Chat Program E using mysql and runs a.l.i.c.e. .aiml

  • 232. Chat Program O, rewrite .aiml patterns and responses mysql

  • 233. perl2python cheat sheet for most used code

  • 234. Experimental splash page with many SVG animations

  • 235. UBI url shortener and nsd input form

  • 236. Name uploaded images according to color percentages

  • 237. Blockchain stored evidence builder and sidechains

  • 238. Bitcoin and gold comparison charts

  • 239. Reduce Dr.Lic. and S.S. numbers to one shared key

  • 240. UBI intake and search and UX custom query

  • 241. Save image into mysql to display by php script

  • 242. Gsearch (in script) add any data set to search

  • 243. Foodie Barcode Library

  • 244. Lapp Stack (event only) stop till reboot AWS instance running the BLU v.o.i.p. phone

    Here is how I did virtural host via webmin to run scaleable dynamic and html pages... create AWS account then create LAPP stack instance on AWS from Go to your Webmin control panel by clicking on Servers -> Apache WebServer. In the 'Create Virtual Host' section select "Any Address" (so you do not end up with a hard coded IP addresses in your conf file). Enter 80 for Port (and select the last radio button). This way the VirtualHost will co-exist with any SSL-enabled virtual hosts you add later on. SSL-enabled VirtualHosts need to listen on port 443. In the "Document Root" field enter where the virtual host HTML files will be. For example, /var/www/html For "Server Name" enter the domain name for which you want to serve pages. e.g. "" After you have created the Virtual Host, click on the Virtual Host, and go to Networking and Addresses. Enter an "Alternate virtual server names" of * With this setting, your virtual host will serve pages for as well as At this point you may also wish to set other options like "Log Files", so the log files for the Virtual Host end up in separate log file from the main server's log files. To activate your changes, scroll down and click "reboot system" on the tab system > [bootup and shutdown]. now put your index.html file in html folder and run the URL... The above instructions are copy paste from here... (click section) Upload files and serve up HTML pages

  • 245. Detect the AWS tklapp instance, if off, redirect to prototype website so App. shows any choosen website...

    checks regex tklapp redirects to prototype website

    The .apk is downloaded from the web so turn off google play protect install then turn google play protect back on. current was Amazon appstore

    Download from aaaanyalert2cell.apk

    The network scripting will connect to the Amazon site to redirect to the loadbalancer we are using and checks status of the production website which is off unless used for events or wildly popular so must render the branded App. website. Different servers featuring some servers ready for heavy traffic designs the logic of the scripting developed where UI and UX are combined direct.html can be direct2.html so on for the powerful automatic switching shared API Our use is to add up time users interact by a logic, timed redirect delay events, to avoid delay to re-access the website. Users are dependent on avoiding delays so time extension is a constant user activity and that is translated into time spent.

  • 246. Historic Sun; A new way to see the daily solar activity of our sun.

    Oct 4 2024 Podcast with two hosts ruminating about my work. Oct 2 2024 Download an xl spreadsheet from a numbered list. 5 days ago Credentials for UBI universal basic income. 6 days ago Made a web page scrolling identity icon. rename the ace.jpg to image hash .jpg folder /hashed_files/ a week ago The tasks of web 3.0 a week ago Testing... Audio recording and playback. a week ago Any words in that mess? a week ago Simulate the cosmic web using slime mold algorithm... a week ago Simulator of dark nebula. a week ago 2 weeks ago Created a curated list of code solutions that are also currently running on the internet. Sell to individual programmers for their own hacking enjoyment and saves energy. Each solution offers immediate functionality for web-based applications, such as APIs, frameworks, or tools that help developers streamline all tasks online. Brief descriptions of the code’s functionality, ease of integration, and benefits it provides to individual developers are obvious. 2 weeks ago Sounds of chromatic scale. Sept 1 2024 Create workflows & assign staff to web apps Aug 28, 2024 Zero-knowledge Proofs Aug 25, 2024 Moon-up-overhead Aug 20, 2024 Simple flat file json formatted for php? inputting url database Aug 17, 2024 My app is working again updated on Google play store. yee haw!!! Aug 15, 2024 Get code and Unicode for each key pressed. Simple virtual keyboard Aug 07, 2024 Can you get all ten fingers detected? Aug 1, 2024 On cell phones in landscape mode the scripted keyboard is working. Pre-select the i j k l m keys and start the game. July 30, 2024 Flash game Jack Black quotes in his own voice. July 29, 2024 Mars at 1° horizontal from 100,000+ miles up in degrees July 28, 2024 Voice to text. You will need to allow microphone access. Search Google to learn how. Google Chrome browser works fine July 25, 2024 Find out what your phone's email address is with this tool. July 22, 2024 Wild West gunfight with shotguns July 19, 2024 Bayes theorm probability July 16, 2024 Simple graphing calculator July 13, 2024 Cloud turbulence simulator. Perlin, Noise, Blur algorithm. July 10, 2024 Turbulence simulator Noise, Blur algorithm. Make 6 images then resulting animated gif July 07, 2024 JavaScript Dynamically formed image map. July 05, 2024 Account creator with sha256 hash Check the sha256 string Jun 31, 2024 Installed math-php without using composer. Jun 28, 2024 This is what you get. It is what it is. I put my birthdate month = day Year split 19 = 58 Then today's date 6 = 29 Year split 20 = 24 Jun 25, 2024 large popup box Jun 22, 2024 Current Bitcoin block height Jun 21, 2024 No-IP.apk constantly updates the IP of android smartphone running a server. Jun 19, 2024 large popup box Jun 16, 2024 API successfully uploaded file to Dropbox. Access tokens only last 4 hours Jun 12, 2024 Uploads to Dropbox Jun 7, 2024 This is a flight plan that generated a report in text and is then input into IPFS to get a url of that flight plan. Example url is Jun 6, 2024 Task helper with priority scale, browser storage persistence and date stamp. Jun 4, 2024 I am able to see IPFS files of .png images when a CID hash is provided into this tool. Example my octocat .png image CID is QmTjR2UBNAdxRvGD5FvV2cftuqrpCMdVvKAkaUnoHRg8fk Jun 4, 2024 Am using infura as an etherium node to get the current block height. Jun 1, 2024 Google screenshot May 29, 2024 Simple Pinball touch sides of screen to move paddle.How long can you avoid the target? May 28, 2024 Simulated Cosmic Background Radiation. Now where's that cold spot? May 23, 2024 Biz solution May 18, 2024 Decode an uploaded .png qrcode image and convert jpg to png May 16, 2024 Takes a .bmp image and writes 7 characters to the end of the binary code. Open image in text editor to see the 7 characters. May 9, 2024 An amazingly powerful programmable calculator. May 5, 2024 SaaS sales pitch May 3, 2024 Time an egg head Apr 29, 2024 B.a.s.i.c. emulator, included a Cannon Game to show how basic the basic is. Try out your own basic code... NEW INKEY added! Apr 20, 2024 7 is a good score... I use my finger to play on cell phone. Innate AI to it, if your trying it knows. Apr 19, 2024 The Client posts a token generated by current unix time to a remote server that remote server uses unix time to generate a token. The tokens match when the Client and Server are one machine but not when remote because of unix time differences. Apr 18, 2024 Client and server agree on shared secret Challenge scheme Apr 14, 2024 Teleprompter Zoom reverts to normal after 30 seconds Apr 13, 2024 Grids are made at random. Choose a pattern and get a screenshot Apr 13, 2024 Draw clouds using large silver circles. Apr 12, 2024 This blank white page actually has #numbers strewn throughout the whole area. To get a #number simply long press anywhere on the white screen and then use 'Share link' and use 'Keep notes' to see what #number you got. You can 'Save' the #number also. Refresh page to get a new area of #numbers Splash page checking...Begin to end secured pages. April 11, 2024 Tricord runs three web apps at once. April 08, 2024 Normal women size & weight sliding scale April 07, 2024 Yet another saved todo list April 07, 2024 Draw a slope get the grade % April 06, 2024 Image encode and decode. April 04, 2024 Tape measure running totals April 01, 2024 Pyramid was a spaceship? Mar 30, 2024 The three body problem simulator. Move/drag the blue sun and planets into orbit then watch them never crash unless you drag them to a crash. Mar 23, 2024 Talk to octocat on github Mar 20, 2024 Make and sell your own crypto tokens and mint the token... stand alone and not needing any blockchain or secure database. Folder of mint recovery images Added clone site. Mar 19, 2024 Simple in Web app notification in real time. Mar 12, 2024 The Collatz conjecture that always ends up being 1 Mar 10, 2024 Smashoid... Here's a space junk game for the touch screen. Simply touch the moving target junk to erase them. After erasing 3 space junk the level goes to 2 and gives one more moving junk target. Use a timer to determine winners. Mar 09, 2024 New image every other pixel black... Mar 05, 2024 Your gonna have to have this code Mar 1, 2024 Never repeating Penrose Tiles Feb 20, 2024 Moving text as the image watermark Feb 15, 2024 Musical Chairs and instructions Feb 10, 2024 Drag icon using touch or mouse pointer. Feb 1, 2024 Quicker get their phone number service use Dark Matter Cookie Jan 25, 2024 Lunar Lander game cheat sheet. After the first minute LEM is going 17 miles a minute OR 17 Miles per minute = 1,020 Miles per hour In the first minute LEM has slowed a bit over 1000 MPH at 500 feet there's two minutes of landing fuel. Jan 20, 2024 Kiosk logic flow map for a 'Learn more' link. Jan 15, 2024 Colorful border take a screenshot and background repeat infinite Jan 10, 2024 Radar showing any ufo over your phone OR Something... Jan 5, 2024 Break in the rain. Dec 30, 2023 I saw 4 seagulls riding thermal updraft and so I made a simulation. Dec 25, 2023 Working with Pi network to complete a payment inside my C.B.D.C. app. User authorization works fine so far. Payments API works Pi-app Dec 20, 2023 What sounds are being randomized on Stylophone 2? Dec 13, 2023 Play one key and then it plays randomly with you. Yes you can run two at the same time. Dec 9, 2023 Color Bar indicator, red yellow green, according to text inputted.. Dec 7, 2023 Stylophone stylus piano Dec 3, 2023 Worksheet for Reserve Seating Nov 27, 2023 Students study this API to create Team A members Nov 26, 2023 Students study this API to create Team A members Nov 25, 2023 Test API using curl endpoints and params and Authorization bearer key. Merkle tree included. Nov 20, 2023 Simple video streaming service Nov 15, 2023 Using Markov Chain to get the notes ** Highest probability Leed; A -> A -> A -> A -> G -> D -> D -> D -> D -> C Musical Transition Matrix: from note -> note : probability Nov 7, 2023 Scanning Captain, we have calculations The light screens used on Star Trek are often referred to as "LCARS" (Library Computer Access and Retrieval System) Nov 5, 2023 Tap the phone screen to show the time Oct 30, 2023 Read a qrcode Oct 26, 2023 Generates a 32-character random challenge. The challenge is sent to page2.php and sha256 hashed. That hash is put into an expected hash variable and response is either Authentication invalid or Authentication Welcome. Oct 24, 2023 Using curl to post a field named data from one server to another Result saves to Oct 15, 2023 Allele simulator visualize an evolution. Oct 8, 2023 Battleships is back Oct 6, 2023 Stop watch Oct 5, 2023 Upload .mp3 file and it is shortened for immediate download Oct 5, 2023 Kiddie Bowl Score Sheet Oct 4, 2023 Bowling Ball Speed Calculator Oct 4, 2023 Bowling scorekeeper sheet Oct 2, 2023 Keep em guessing... A game board for the creative gamer. Hint; Pre Define what symbols mean to the scoring. Oct 1, 2023 Click on html card to hid then refresh to see again Sep 27, 2023 C.B.D.C. aka Bar Tab Sep 26, 2023 Undulating blue cloud ☁️ Sep 22, 2023 Just refresh and get a tiny image that changes crop and mirror Sep 22, 2023 Create public-key.pem and private-key.pem then encrypt and decrypt Hello World Sep 22, 2023 Can you make a game out of this randomized 9x9 Sep 20, 2023 Date to unix or unix to date calculations Sep 19, 2023 SaaS Sep 19, 2023 Get Mars time and convert to PST time and track the progression of the meridian 0° Sep 16, 2023 pi:// Put this in the Pi network browser to see the Server Monitor and POmoney app Sep 11, 2023 Put three letters at the end of a data image. Sept 6, 2023 ls ls -lart dir set php -s asyl.php php asyl.php 2> output env ls / -ltr ls -la ls -R whoami date ping -c5 php -v php -m pwd convert image.jpg -resize 400x300 resized_image.jpg uname -a curl It is possible to run these commands on hosted PHP accounts using shell_exec() Sept 2, 2023 This chooses a word from a complex sentence or complex prompt as the context and displays the word.. To test, paste a text paragraph and click the input complex button Sept 2, 2023 See your websites text only version and normal version. Aug 29, 2023 Color picker Collider; black & pink overlapping is God particle. Colors Pulses Aug 25, 2023 View all tables in a MySQLi database Aug 21, 2023 Using cron job if the file unix mtime is larger then send sms text alert. Aug 17, 2023 chatGPT API Aug 15, 2023 Random favorite sounds downloader. Aug 10, 2023 Ship Location system. Aug 6, 2023 Send a message that scrolls right to left. Aug 2, 2023 Horse Racing Handicapper by this data Horse 6 predicted to win. ID|Name|Age|Breed|Weight|Secretariat|5|Thoroughbred|1200|55|90|9 2|Black Beauty|4|Friesian|1000|50|80|8 3|Pegasus|6|Mythical|800|60|85|10 4|Spirit|7|Quarter Horse|1100|45|75|7 5|Thunderbolt|4|Arabian|950|55|85|9 6|Silverado|5|Appaloosa|1050|50|80|8 ID|Name|Age|Experience|Skill|Rating 1|John Smith|30|8 years|90|4.5 2|Emma Johnson|28|6 years|85|4.2 3|Michael Brown|32|10 years|92|4.7 4|Sophia Davis|29|7 years|88|4.4 5|William Wilson|31|9 years|89|4.3 6|Olivia Martin|27|5 years|84|4.1 ID|Name|Distance|Surface|Weather|Rating 1|Belmont Park|1600 meters|Dirt|Sunny|4.8 2|Churchill Downs|1800 meters|Grass|Cloudy|4.7 3|Santa Anita Park|2000 meters|Dirt|Rainy|4.6 4|Epsom Downs|1700 meters|Grass|Sunny|4.9 5|Pimlico Race Course|1900 meters|Dirt|Cloudy|4.5 6|Ascot Racecourse|2100 meters|Grass|Rainy|4.4 Jul 28, 2023 Conway's game of evolution Jul 27, 2023 People don't want to steal software from anyone so this coder asks that you kindly send donations, lots of donations even. My company provides logic and gosub routines from day one of the computer age. Jul 23, 2023 Click on any character icon and see it listed at the top of the page. Click on any character again and it joins the character at the top of the page. Keep going... you have created something new. Jul 18, 2023 List of NCR Unicode character numbers Begin the number with $# End with ; in html code. AI offered this as a simulation of an automobile working and even getting a car wash. Click on all the icons they may do tricks Jul 17, 2023 Fuzzy logic for temperature control Jul 16, 2023 Reminder service sends the IP address only that requested a reminder. This is not a wake up service or message about the reminder. Jun 30, 2023 NFT Minted random .jpg image in one click. Jun 25, 2023 Refresh to see L.E.D. numbers 0-9 Jun 21, 2023 Golf game and score card. Press button every second to play. Jun 16, 2023 This is a led display that takes two numbers and lights up the red LEDs. Sometimes a gray letter shows meaning the two numbers don't use that segment. I am trying to light up the pointed rectangles as request is submitted or not it's just an exercise. Jun 12, 2023 Compare two text files named me.txt & gdk.txt Jun 10, 2023 Tiny Basic run by PHP. Emotions in three sets Jun 8, 2023 Type in anything and see the response. Jun 7, 2023 Put userID on api url to register account run same api url again results a 20 second only timed logon to have options choices completed and submitted. Jun 3, 2023 Heres a nice music theory generator. Copy paste the notes and press the musical note key. Jun 2, 2023 This uses noun verb preposition words and sets them into random sentences. May 30, 2023 Vacation designs. Send us your favorite May 27, 2023 Get the SHA-256 hash of a named image.jpg when uploaded. Then search for that hash to see the image again May 25, 2023 Promotions. May 21, 2023 Cash register with 'crowdsource markers' to inform voters about uniqueness. May 18, 2023 A nice little bowling game. I'll give you 100 sticks. May 15, 2023 Bar graph, 6 bars maximum. May 15, 2023 Freehand line drawing for phone touch screen. May 14, 2023 Do you have a Github user Bio? Use this tool to find out what your Bio says in GitHub. Try mine, Geraldkrug May 13, 2023 Register Image url then login to get an NFT. May 10, 2023 The Weirdest Pong May 5, 2023 This tells when the Face On Mars is looking directly at Los Angeles Apr 25, 2023 Diamonds are forever Apr 20, 2023 Qui: uses unix time epoc and makes a physical key. Apr 17, 2023 Q. How many trees exist? A. All of them Apr 12, 2023 The Rabbit Hole game [4, 1, 3, 3, 5, 2], [3, 4, 1, 2, 0, 3], [5, 1, 5, 5, 4, 2], [1, 3, 2, 5, 2, 1.], [6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 4], [6, 2, 1, 6, 6, 3], 'up'=>[-1, +0], 'up-right'=> [-1, +1], 'up-left'=> [-1, -1], 'right'=> [+0, +1], 'left'=> [+0, -1], 'down'=> [+1, +0], 'down-left'=> [+1, -1], 'down-right'=> [+1, +1], So the Rabbit hole is 1. on the game board The Rabbit is 0 To win you'd need to roll a 4 to go up which pushes the 0 to the old 4 position Then a 2 to go up into that 0 Then a 1 left to push the 0. Winner Apr 5, 2023 Spider that checks 1 url (or more) and logs report if all connected well. ALLOW 40 seconds.... Bend logic. More posts 90021, Los Angeles, CA - From your IP address Update location More options in Menu Spider that checks 1 url (or more) and logs report if all connected well. ALLOW 40 seconds.... Bend logic. Apr 4, 2023 Get on the list where an old url goes to the new url now. Apr 1, 2023 Upload a 1X300 png image and get the html equivalent for unknowable seeds for encryption. Mar 30, 2023 Upload Let's see what comes from this. Mar 29, 2023 Text Pong Mar. 23, 2023 Standard deviation of "812", "836", "982", "769" 80 Include optional sample deviated 80 Std dev = 92 This uses statistics on four numbers. I did 65 26 27 72 = 24 Mar 18, 2023 Walkchain writes one block to blockchain.dat -------------- sha-256 checksum for my blockchain.dat outputs chinese characters that are detected as valid UTF-8. Mar 16, 2023 The Federal Reserve Bank of San Fransisco and senior talent acquisition specialist Shanthi Balasubramanian. Gerald contacted with my example CBDC. They pay $200,000. Mar 10, 2023 Set a cookie each refresh and increments sofar= Secret sidebar messaging app. Edit the message and submit it for others to edit. It's a party line! Mar 5, 2023 Your screenshots all have the same session hash Displayed. Session code is privately owned to purchase please ask for contract. Mar 2, 2023 Your screenshots all have the same session hash Displayed. Feb 28, 2023 Like 0-250000 Like by increments... Feb 26, 2023 counting page loads Feb 19, 2023 Slot machine. Line up in mass data. Example three bells in any consecutive arrangements. I see three diamonds and three clubs too. Feb 14, 2023 Diamond studded email vcard Added a CAPTCHA system. Feb 14, 2023 Double CAPTCHA system to web app input form. Feb 10, 2023 Your choice must be closest to 1d100 int(??) Example; string(3) "2d4" int(5) string(3) "3d6" int(11) string(3) "4d8" int(20) string(4) "5d10" int(30) string(4) "6d12" int(32) string(5) "10d20" int(86) string(5) "15d30" int(149) Place your bets choices 2d4 > 3d6 > 4d8 > 5d10 > 6d12 > 10d20 > 15d30 Roulette Ball = int (??) string(5) "1d100" int(16) Winner is 4d8 because 20 is closest to 16 Feb 5, 2023 Universe generator refresh for new area of the sky in text for AI generators to make an image from this text. Feb 5, 2023 Phone simulator. Jan 31, 2023 The code I have must be loaded to all phones so then any emergency code needs are solved. Small surcharge on your phone and download. Jan 29, 2023 Forum is named... $pomoney Jan 26, 2023 Nice photo gallery Login user user Jan 23, 2023 This uses ML to recognize a properly filled in spreadsheet element. Each text character has a decimal equivalent. Lazy copyrights. Jan 19, 2023 There you have knowledge and ownership. mining block 1... Block mined: 000058290d491104db6f36f0fe6af5b3b14772eb3667bbf28c07ec93b57a2e6a mining block 2... Block mined: 0000799274a70a5365e9911110f23c203e71900cb979fda49570e607a24e6279 Chain valid: true Changing second block... Chain valid: true Jan 15, 2023 A simple instant messenger. Jan 15, 2023 Full production website under the hood. Edit text at yt-content/home.php Jan 9, 2023 Kill problems, live the fullest. Build a website free, no registration, yeehaw. Dec 31, 2022 Making durable products from electrons. Flot CMS system saved from the grave. Dec 27, 2022 This is a lock 1 6 2 3 _____________________ This is a behavior Dec 20, 2022 API url into two-dimensional array three arrays have two indices: row and column. rovercomma4comma1 Dec 9, 2022 Do we all agree that we have a workable computer brain? Browser OCR and picture elevator. Dec 3, 2022 Flat file databases for any use cases. Nov 28, 2022… DNA db Login root root Dashboard Click radio Demo_Mixed Click radio RPS Click Explore Click Edit Click Export What databases look like now Nov 19, 2022 Handwritten signatures. Sign using all 3 handwriting type fonts. …view fully Merge images code not ready yet but engine works. Nov 12, 2022 Analog generated art. Never seen before. Not computer generated. Full size. "Dreamscaper Arrival" Jan 4, 2023 Making durable products from electrons. Flot CMS system saved from the grave. Dec 27, 2022 This is a lock 1 6 2 3 _____________________ This is a behavior Dec 20, 2022 API url into two-dimensional array three arrays have two indices: row and column. rovercomma4comma1 Do we all agree that we have a workable computer brain? Browser OCR and picture elevator. ______ Dec 3, 2022 Flat file databases for any use cases ______ Nov 28, 2022 DNA db Login root root Dashboard Click radio Demo_Mixed Click radio RPS Click Explore Click Edit Click Export What databases look like now ______ Nov 19, 2022 Handwritten signatures. Sign using all 3 handwriting type fonts. view fully Merge images code not ready yet but engine works ______ Nov 12, 2022 Analog generated art. Never seen before. Not computer generated. Full size. "Dreamscaper Arrival" ______ Posted Nov 7, 2022 Script Shipped ______ Nov 3, 2022 Tags Kiosk system... text the Tag to 81000 tag is $POMONEY1 Google search POmoney; aaaai GDK Electronics aaaai Home ______ Nov 3, 2022 Two steps 1. 2. Use image as login antibot Image exif info. Also creates second images with the size and keyword added then named image1509q3uf7.jpg upload as instructed. ______ Oct 30, 2022 Trying to use Twitter to show all my minted NFT ______ Oct 31, 2022 Text friendly jpg background images for HTML background repeat. Refresh to see size 120x50 color. Use image as login antibot... 12x22 spacer image. ______ Oct 27, 2022 Backing up phones is a divine act. Natural uniqueness text images of many colors ______ Oct 20, 2022 Barcodes Signs ______ Oct 19, 2022 All things Bitcoin... php function file_get_contents has stopped for remote API calls from hosted accounts. What I do instead to make fingerprints is give 7 links and use Chrome clipboard history. ______ Oct 15, 2022 {generate key I used 123456 then text to encrypt gerald} key generated in yellow box MMXKN-DPFVF-AQDGH-NJGUN-ERBNG-HTWHE-GJRJM-BIFQZ-FUTJW-AYSYU-IOOKF-UXOIA encrgpted message in pink box ##### Encrypted: decrypt with ZZZZZ DQORA DPPVI GHNNJ SEBND BBSCS AJCSA NIMGR AMRRU MDEQP XDTHM DELEH WRBKX LGWFW AEGGH HBIKD WSXPR OVEVR KXJWD WXIWQ RZZZZ YYYYY ##### End encrypted message erase gerald in green box click decrypt gerald appears again in green box ______ Oct 13, 2022 Code is a must. Codeless is a bust. Code or bust. ______ Oct 11, 2022 Rock star maker. Limited time offer. You get the tested web app code your friends don't have to make your own complete no-code knowledgebase. Rock star maker. ______ Sep 30, 2022 The CBDC has got some artwork. ______ Oct 5, 2022 This can communicate with facebook without the SDK. It requires alot of work but it works for CBDC infinite scaling. The results depend on being a facebook developer and some deep analyst work editing this code. I was able to get call back from a blank facebook app resulting in the text render of 1. The app id and 2. My facebook name on the internet. 3. Profile picture url Instant daily CBDC cash names on Facebook example framer My story has the days API call when active. _________ Sep 19, 2022 Q. if SAAS Software As A Service could be purchased and reserved for your business use within the future 5 yr. how much would you pay? A. All what I pay currently if you can monitor 13 servers also. $1,200 yr. _______ This vote tool stuffs ballot boxes. I would like at least 20 votes in a screenshot posted below. I win a movie scene in a secret soon to be released movie ________ Admin. tools for creating CBDC accounts. ________ Updated Sep 10, 2022 Get a guaranteed unique 100 character string from any camera .jpg image renamed to test.jpg ________ sept 7 2.)Welcome again alert url A cookie is set. Use as an ID for temporary use cases such as property checking, reservations, CBDC, Bonds... 1.)Make two choices persist in the Welcome again alert. ________ Viewsource to see the websites code. ________ sept 1 One click sql backup/exports _________ made a whole quest presentation using koop success page as the final task for CBDC Inside IPFS for making payments. koop causes an immediate community to invest in the quests to get rewards. In my use case the reward is a vote on the amount of the reward and a CBDC account. ________ Landing Page ________ aug 22 NFT without blockchain. When you mint an NFT all your really doing is superimposing the blockchain ledger entry over the property. So what I do to make an NFT is I forget the Blockchain ledger instead I use IPFS entry and superimpose an image over the qrcode that displays the property. The property is also code to make smart contracts with any level of complexity ________ Upload your qrcode images that encode the IPFS link to then mint for NFT. ------------- See the qrcodes to sell to customers then customer mints the qrcode. Search image with google lens or _______ aug 13 Script consultant, Web apps You'll never know So ask us :) We accept Bitcoin Lightning. _______ Aug 6, 2022 This puts the unordered associative %hash back in the order of the Library Barcode Database input form. ______ Our flagship product is a retail food store barcode system called 'Library Barcode Database'. Qrcode shown scans to url for detailed information. ______ ______ Jul 30, 2022 Hows this grab you? Stretch images Updated Jul 25, 2022 OR HERE My own blockchain and explorer and writer and miner and testInsert reminder notepad and more... Flag=0001& Input_Count=01& Input_1_Previous_Output_Hash=1333183ddf384da83ed49296136c70d206ad2b19331bf25d390e69b222165e37& Input_1_Previous_Output_Index=00000000& Input_1_script_length=0x17& Input_1_scriptSig=160014b93f973eb2bf0b614bddc0f47286788c98c535b4& Input_1_sequence=feffffff& Output_Count=02& Output_1_Value=00e1f50500000000& Output_1_public_key_script_length=0x17& Output_1_public_key_script=a914a860f76561c85551594c18eecceffaee8c4822d787& Output_2_Value=F0C1A43500000000& Output_2_public_key_script_length=0x17& Output_2_public_key_script=a914d8b6fcc85a383261df05423ddf068a8987bf028787& Witness_Count=02& Witness_1_length=0x47& Witness_1=30440220434caf5bb442cb6a251e8bce0ec493f9a1a9c4423bcfc029e542b0e8a89d1b3f022011090d4e98f79c62b188245a4aa4eb77e912bfd57e0a9b9a1c5e65f2b39f3ab401& Witness_2_length=0x21& Witness_2=0223bec70d670d29a30d9bcee197910e37cf2a10f0dc3c5ac44d865aec0d7052fb& Locktime=8c000000 Updated Jul 24, 2022 "WISE WORDS WIN", the not a game, game. Are you serious? Updated Jul 25, 2022 Updated Jul 22, 2022 Certificate to photoshop. Change text Updated Jul 18, 2022 Of course I'M working on a new social media thingy. MY concept so far is posts are not immediately listed in public and comments are not associated to posts automatically. Example; MY business posts. That post goes to all followers for comments. Moving the post and comments to public is the published post. Published posts are advertised as not the responsibility of the named platform. Updated Jul 12, 2022 Tiny News, the newspaper. Updated Jul 8, 2022 This uploads two required image names, tower.jpg and tower_spec.jpg (same image blurred) and then displays the images as one. The effect is made by linear-gradient, layering and specular maps. Use erase link to begin. Updated Jul 6, 2022 CBDC benefits, insta-cash tasks. A system of liquidity when empty of funds. CBDC on hold for further study. Posted Jun 25, 2022 Just do this simple task and its paid for. Human to human login. Updated Jun 22, 2022 NFT content Updated Jun 21, 2022 Is it zoup yet? Updated Jun 21, 2022 Updated Jun 19, 2022 Need practice buying an NFT? This accepts crypto, paypal or credit card. You get the whole collection (34) and choose the one you want. 10 available. Updated Jun 18, 2022 token generator. Assign token to a detailed message, wallah unique money system POMoney. Updated Jun 17, 2022 Now here's a messaging/notification device I'M hacking on. You can click the Bell icon 🔔 and get the daily message. Put the URL in a shortcut icon to desktop. For Android use app. 'Shortcut Maker' Updated Jun 24, 2022 I am a good guy tech monopoly because...I am self limiting the prices my monopoly can charge, priceless. one minute back Updated Jun 8, 2022 Notepad with three columns... To Erase type Erase in first input box and click on submit. Updated Jun 8, 2022 Doing differential calculus using small 3 column text data sets, example 0.0000000000000000 656.5342434532456082 0.9992059165961109 1.0001828508431749 656.5342334512754405 1.0009810769697651 The total size is 14 lines of 3 to produce the graph. I want to make recognition of whatever. Helps make the text data three column format. Posted May 31, 2022 Welcome to blocks on the chain. This is the Bitcoin black box revealed. Reads a 1meg size bitcoin blk00000.dat file laid out for you. Bitcoin, the gigantic cash register. Posted May 27, 2022 More time if you single step log in using Bitcoin or any crypto. Posted May 25, 2022 Input text then tap on screen to see what font looks best. Posted May 23, 2022 Swift is helping my CBDC to accomplish frictionless cross border payments. Updated May 22, 2022 drag over the purple rockets to cause winners. Auto resets after 4 seconds. Many combinations to video for a proof of work. Updated May 14, 2022 Tiny code pen editor. Put curser after Hello World| and click keyboard enter to see the results. Posted May 13, 2022 composability is content for web3 that I have amassed in coded form and I teach in the future. Posted May 12, 2022 More generative art. Updated May 8, 2022 Working Updated May 2, 2022 Make a line barcode from any text. Screenshot compared. Use to identify person assigned to cash register or attending event or twitter spambots ;) Updated Apr 29, 2022 Sales invoice. I will add missing tables in mysqli someday...for now fill out and take screenshot. Added a new way to barcode. Use the very thin input box. Type in your name and that's your personal barcode. Updated Apr 25, 2022 Remember a URL link for later... Updated Apr 25, 2022 make a URL that links to your image. Updated Apr 17, 2022 Sell tweets as nft On twitter get the tweet url by using 'share then copy' link to tweet. I will make the IPFS url and that's your nft before minting. Posted Apr 13, 2022 Parallex splashpage Posted Apr 12, 2022 Meme creation using html entities Posted Apr 2, 2022 Try doing this... Updated Mar 30, 2022 A nice programmable newspaper layout with fact checking/best comment column. Posted Mar 24, 2022 Bitmark property to blockchain Posted Mar 14, 2022 Generative art Updated Mar 14, 2022 If you can make this you hacked the official watermark for CBDC Posted Mar 9, 2022 Watermark added to synthetic CBDC. Issuing bank uses this for a KYB to Central Bank. `Know your Banker` Posted Mar 9, 2022 Art generators. Manually mix together to make real human created art. Updated Mar 9, 2022 Qr generator and reader Led tickers More led tickers Brush effects More brush Updated Mar 9, 2022 This special form of a CBDC is a synthetic CBDC (sCBDC). In such a setup, the CBDC system is not directly managed by the central bank. Lets work on this Skiff note...above. Watermarked example Posted Feb 20, 2022 Drag and drop box reordering for task based CBDC Updated Feb 20, 2022 Lets see what I do with these... Posted Feb 11, 2022 Create art with text. Posted Feb 7, 2022 Over and under dashes for text Posted Feb 4, 2022 White keys have sound effects... Posted Jan 30, 2022 Online piano Posted Jan 25, 2022 Miles between coords Updated Jan 22, 2022 Lunar cycle ends in ?? Days Did you know this year new years day fell on a new moon? I call that a double new years day. Updated Jan 18, 2022 Daily Text Moon Phase Posted Jan 14, 2022 Here's a color coded dialer pad. Posted Jan 9, 2022 Detect language type using small sample Updated Jan 5, 2022 Login use ID admin PASSWORD admin This loan system requires Persian language for administrator to create some of new members information on the sql database. I use Persian language to hide accounts. A translation link is provided. Use url below to view created accounts by user login. Updated Jan 2, 2022 Keep the noise down, use Captcha We will be back soon with more scripts and engines. Updated Dec 26, 2021 Quick check if 4 main command functions work or display the date from current host. Code must be installed on your host to use. Posted Dec 24, 2021 A new immutable Blockchain of hex named zip wallets. Do tasks 1.2.& 3. To get the oe.png image in a zip file then extract and unzip with password. That is your coin++ in it's wallet. Future development will use that zip for all use cases. Posted Dec 15, 2021 Flow chart maker online. My first chart... Use windows lap/desktop computer to drag and place items options under Basic selector box to screen. Lite version... Amazing charts start from the bottom and go up... Updated Dec 12, 2021 Yet another image sharing web app. with OCR web app. resources. Posted Dec 7, 2021 Use common words to play... Do 5 common word searches. Add the total Cpoints to 👑 crown 👑 the winner :) Posted Dec 3, 2021 Check the Bitcoin address amount in USD just Upload a Bitcoin address. Test addresses provided. Qrcode of address provided. Posted Dec 1, 2021 Fixed the ticket qrcodes that suddenly didn't work. And the sandcastle virtues have all slipped away ;) Posted Nov 25, 2021 This is a checkout line splash page. If someone follows you to the POmoney web app they are put into a refresh based timed counterintuitive "checkout line". Posted Nov 21, 2021 Use this to add and or change images in an animated gif collage. Posted Nov 20, 2021 8 generative art about space... Posted Nov 17, 2021 Get the contents of a website appended to a data image. Download the white box to see the website content. Posted Nov 15, 2021 Block all countries except USA Posted Nov 9, 2021 Beautiful glass link icon effect. Posted Nov 3, 2021 Converted html to markdown .md and run in github Posted Oct 31, 2021 Freehand drawing makes data image. Signed Contract.pdf for CBDC Posted Oct 26, 2021 Lots of info about world countries. Posted Oct 21, 2021 A 3D button and load time 30 second delay Posted Oct 21, 2021 Splash screen pop up gives keywords to search google Posted Oct 18, 2021 Here's a generative art thingy I got. After I get the image I enhance it. Posted Oct 16, 2021 Here's a handy tool to put a legal statement under your pixel art NFT using old school style characters. Resize any image 50x50 and pixelize it using this tool. Here's an example of a pixelated svg from a collection. Added comments... Posted Oct 12, 2021 Arrange legos using dashes then click Lego button. then scroll down. Text lava lamp? Posted Oct 4, 2021 So I have three NFT on sale now... Posted Sep 28, 2021 I am now generating svg ART so simply refresh the page to see the show(s) Posted Sept 23, 2021 Birthday-identicon has been minted free on Curate app. Search for Birthday-identicon in Curate marketplace. Request a Birthday-identicon date to be minted for you to buy. Create data image. Posted Sep 18, 2021 Where did the identicon go? Added to as a Faux physical location of the birthday identicon. Posted Sep 16, 2021 The days of just pure collectible NFTs, without some sort of interesting layer on top of that, are certainly over,” Opensea CEO Finzer said in an interview from New York. “With these future projects, there has to be something else associated with it like Gerald Krug and his Birthday identicon NFT generated pixelart. Create data image Posted Sept 11, 2021 Simple blog using no database. Posted Sept 8, 2021 Online Art Gallery Store with unique spotlight touch. Posted Sept 5, 2021 33,600 birthday identicons inside IPFS available now Posted Sept 1, 2021 I just put this text (nftgdk) into ipfs, wow hard to do. string(357) "{"ok":true,"value":{"cid":"bafkreibpsen5meba33olmacohpiso4hxvoicndfoa6omtgnj4cv6pwvsdi","created":"2021-09-05T00:25:42.644Z","type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded","scope":"nftgdk","files":[],"size":6,"pin":{"cid":"bafkreibpsen5meba33olmacohpiso4hxvoicndfoa6omtgnj4cv6pwvsdi","status":"queued","size":6,"created":"2021-09-05T00:25:42.644Z"},"deals":[]}}" Posted Aug 31 A mini portable store to invest in sales of A.I. no-code systems learning all my code. Posted Aug 29 Screen grab of the POmoney (line 558) numbered bill when created. Posted Aug 28 This is the secret sauce to making crypto pixelart. Use it for inspiration and make a few thousand images for a nice collection. Posted Aug 27, 2021 Totally automated this image gallery system for the digital dollar POmoney. Posted Aug 24, 2021 Add tokens to calendar appointments, tickets, badges, NFT and what else? Shared tokens expire in two weeks or the user sets unix time. This token named POM can accept ether payments and/or act as an NFT Your free to use it. 0xcE53384b7ea89039e10B98E9401dd3454e4A9b9c I own that token in metamask and I can add anyone to the whitelist of ownership as well. Posted Aug 22, 2021 Synth token succesfully added to metamask as POM token Posted Aug 14, 2021 Heres a new ML machine Learning thingy. Just quickly scroll down to see if any "Made in California" images have appeared. I have seen two appear in one Learning rate section And two appear in two Learning rate sections. The goal is what you intend. Maybe you want to see three images appear. I dont yet know what the ML will do as far as being unique. I would love to see 4 images in one Learning rate section if its possible. Just refresh. I use it for make work tasks on proof of human use cases. Posted Aug 10, 2021 ML word(s) minted for difficulty from 0.90-1.0 Art is hard but NFT creation is easy. This system makes art and NFT creation difficult and has an adjustment for more and more difficulty. Posted Aug 8, 2021 CryptoPunks and CryptoKitty rating system... With the above ML you can create the rating of the crypto art you make. Just put the name like punk-zerozerozeroone and it will give a fractional equivalent. It gave a 0.7125319583904708 so on a scale of say 0.9-0.01 it's at a higher than average rating. Name your art well with this tool. To rate this punk so highly I got the last 4 numbers of the word paper and ran the words then the fraction became 0.9339200180481051 Posted Aug 7, 2021 CBDC is for the redistribution of wealth in the form of gifts to whomever qualify. The idea that CBDC will change the banking system by draining savings accounts thus undermining the loans business is classic fight for time while your drowning. We have been gifting the underprivileged for many decades and without that safety net this country would go bust from the social unrest, disease and force people to crime. Come ON!!!! Posted Aug 2, 2021 Task for POmoney optional. pombit Explorer: Binance Smart Chain Mainnet Posted Jul 31, 2021 The input column data used to train this ML is the seed then any word combination causes a unique fraction. That fractions last four numbers are then written out as words to use as a signature to the fraction. Posted Jul 31, 2021 Machine learning made simple. I got this to work using mock data from here Heres the response I got to the trained system using a single word Paper which was actually nonsence. It was 99% sure it was nonsence. string(107) "{"name":"ran","index":1,"scores":[0.007782877234339347,0.9922171227656607],"confidence":0.9922171227656607}" Posted Jul 20, 2021 Numbered all the parts of for quick reference. Posted Jul 17, 2021 Simbachain, easiest place to create a smart contract. This is NOT a synthetic stock. Posted Jul 15, 2021 Create a tx hex hash for bitcoin testnet. Posted Jul 14, 2021 I added current Bitcoin block number and the id and parent_id and estimated fee to the digital for added tasks banks may use as requirements. I don't imply using crypto as digital fiat I just use parts of crypto. News item, The ECB said prior experimentation suggested that an architecture "combining centralized and decentralized elements are possible." Posted Jul 10, 2021 I have the nonce.php script ( Crowd-Oracle Data Entry; C-ODE data for smart contracts ) generating a nonce. running on android 10 smartphone from this url (when I do shows) I set up the android webserver and used the api-url from no-ip Posted Jul 4, 2021 Offline digital dollar using Userland on smartphone web browser is created. http://localhost:8000/index.php The script uses a timestamped sha256 hash for transaction validations of time ranges. Posted Jul 3, 2021 Setting up a stablecoin using Komodo on Userland. Project shelved. Updated Jun 24, 2021 This is a redesigned Pastebin. I use it to share between devices. This will search mysql database and write new records of ten fields to the database. It can't delete or update the timestamped records. Only admin. can change records. All records are public. Posted Jun 21, 2021 Social network for simple uses... Posted Jun 18, 2021 Historical Bitcoin price by date... Posted Jun 14, 2021 This google captcha goes to P.O. money. I have been putting BTC World Bank on home server Posted Jun 9, 2021 This recaptcha checks if a spam domain and if not spam then shares the whitelisted token to a php session variable array from a java token variable. Posted Jun 3, 2021 The collection of cats with NFT has become a real BIG project. Posted Jun 2, 2021 I like CSS and the many unknown arrangements that can be created. Posted May 28, 2021 This code takes the json data of a bitcoin balance and parses it down to the plaintext number 91028 using only explode in php Posted May 24, 2021 Posted May 18, 2021 This is an actual shockwave flash movie played by HTML. The things you can find in github ;) Send me your .swf movie files and I will make them NFT and send you the link. Posted May 12, 2021 Made a simple database to keep in shape ;) Posted May 10, 2021 This handy tool scans all folder files for content you search for. Folder cant be too big or it times out. Posted May 10, 2021 Here's another country blocker. The US is not blocked so the page is loaded. This uses Also has a blocked country IP white list. Posted May 9, 2021 This checks if a Russian federation IP is looking at your website or a blocked IP and exits. A 100 similarity exits. Posted May 8, 2021 Send telegram a message it'll get to me @geraldkrug3 Posted May 7, 2021 Shockwave charts live again on Puffin browser 9.0.0. Just run the website that uses shockwave flash in Puffin browser like this... Posted May 6, 2021 Proof of existence... This even has Grabzit screenshot online. See verify PoE and scan link Posted Apr 30, 2021 count total words you input. Posted May 1, 2021 Make NFT from C.O.A. I demonstrate that I can create this hash again AWS s3 signature= 3LxfWnUs9PGbVxH/RXtgRPDcT2uYujMc/hjO6GCVw4Q= Posted Apr 23, 2021 This little block chain maker is unique. Can you start a chain and keep adding to it? Its all right there, practice ;) Posted Apr 21, 2021 To begin Bitcoin smart contract for the data creator which makes 30 clicks worth $1 then tapering away once enough data has been created. 1. Click 30 times take a screenshot then screenshot when you finished. Posted Apr 17, 2021 Have you tried to share text on the fly? Isn't it impossible? Upload text files and the url connects to it qr code included. Type in the file name with the .txt and upload it. To delete upload a blank file. We don't save anything ever. It's just for quick use not for days or weeks, thank you. If Bitcoin backs the digital dollar then Bitcoin can exist, deal? =4&secret=2e0dasad7875hj29j2& transaction_hash=4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a 88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b& address=1DH7Cmdc26X1sjvLicPdXryjkeXqkLhi 9w&value=890551&confirmations=3 Posted Apr 14, 2021 Need to have a Change Request Form See the change requested... Posted Apr 13, 2021 NFT with 7 levels of complexity 1. Purchase NFT on 2. Make ASCII of the NFT 3.Draw or add text to the ASCII black and white only 4.OCR train the ASCII to scan to a website we create for you. 5.Add content to the website we host for you. 6.Create new NFT on 7.Use the OCR to website URL in description MY NFT's are better than a hologram seal for valuables. You don't use to sell. is just a super complex COA Certificate of authenticity. See also Posted Apr 7, 2021 qqflcsnl79mkgtffgenjh08ve8gn9vyzxv9ecuxhj4 I purchased another NFT for 20 cents cryptoman#172 and made it into an ASCII art then open sea NFT then OCR to a website. I make the most complex NFT known. Posted Apr 3, 2021 f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/7245290842582498529 8756969871169350931849153442184131198264 630935319551672321 My first NFT is Lucky Cat drawn on top of an ASCII art of an NFT I purchased on called Lucky Cat. Posted Apr 2, 2021 IPFS QmNZV...sYw5 Here's a tool that was only for admin but now for public use. Use domain or internet prefix Posted Mar 29, 2021 Check out the tokenizer of the tiny websites that are actually coins for the system. The text is used for art and the text scans to the tiny website URL. Posted Mar 26, 2021 More focused sub-ledger offering edit of tiny websites 2ways plain and noted edits. Posted Mar 25, 2021 Verify as human. Upload under 30kb sized picture and its name adds gdk to the front of the name. Links go to the renamed picture. Show URL to prove human made. Realtime meetings. Share verification. Posted Mar 23, 2021 The first NFT purchase and here's the total breakdown how I did it with ease Posted Mar 20, 2021 creates data:image text for #38 Library QR paste into Add MAC address(s) then any Memo Posted Mar 19, 2021 Block-pics with all the extras. Click on the + tab or rhe topmost banner to upload. Wait for money button to display the tip jar. Not enough data for insights yet Posted Mar 16, 2021 Get a timestamp and network number for sub-ledger entries. Posted Mar 13, 2021 Running list of TRUE RANDOM STRINGS used in the CBDC Posted Mar 8, 2021 code.gif true random string uploads into the P.O. Money CBDC system is now one click. Click on >OR create code.gif &secret=2e0dasad7875hj29j2&transaction_hash=4a5e1e4baab 89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b &address=1DH7Cmdc26X1sjvLicPdXryjkeXqkLhi9w&value=890551 &confirmations=3 Posted Mar 1, 2021 I made the remove tool into a digital money cancel tool for MY CBDC tool. Just put the string in the box and submit, then click the results link then refresh if it still shows the endorsement numbers. You'll see the cancelled tender. Save it named as the new code.gif you upload for each transaction. __________ Nationally accepted money can be free to use with no bank account because to use digital money is considered everyones job. That's what backs MY system. A person's record keeping and ability to do the tasks required makes you money to spend. Updated Mar 1, 2021 In the input box type in exactly as shown exit; You will see the php script output remove_from_filefile1file2outputgdk Now input echo "file1"; file1 disappears. Now input privacy > clear browsing data Updated Oct 22, 2020 Here's a random way to get 8 numbers to equal 42. I included a 42 dollar bill as proof it exists. Posted Oct 15, 2020 ___________________ We are here for you and we also have solidarity to the BLM our rights to pursue unimpeded toward unity. ____________________ This is a picture box for new moms to use or whatever. Upload a picture called BB.png then reload the page in a different browser. I always use two browser's. If the image won't change then clear the browser cache for the last hour. Settings > privacy > clear browsing data ____________________ Here's a random way to get 8 numbers to equal 42. I included a 42 dollar bill as proof it exists. ____________________ This interlocking chain I run now and wrote back in 2011-12. The last link on this list is the newest named link. The earlier named links are for editing, upload named template server page then see "Edit text" link. ____________________ I added paste to PAY THE MAN so you can save secret messages to yourself. ____________________ New service... "Pay The Man" Don't have a way to buy goods except with cash? No worries ;) We arrange a starter mystery gift be delivered to you and we show you our cash delivery system. Input the number C99999999999999 And use the form to track your mystery gift now. ____________________ Track packages. Use this number for url to a better tracker...C99999999999999 I make this create url for more than advertised. This web app likes it too. ____________________ This "Name 2 Constellation" visualizer is running in Amazon AWS production environment. There are really no easy document's to help developers to do this installation of html and php code. Its super hard to do! Shutdown costing too much... ____________________ Upgraded Certificate of Authenticity COA hash tasks ____________________ This visualizes words or hashes... ____________________ We use "passphrase hints" to help you search for passphrase in .txt files you saved. Example; a seven word passphrase; dog cat mouse horse bird fish owl The hint is dog. You search for dog everywhere on your storage and wallah...its in the filename.txt you had forgotten :) ____________________ Our new Dingtone vanity toll free numbers is 1-877-f10-krug and contacted to show the bitcoin fingerprint. Bitcoin World Bank now has unlimited wallet addressing from Example *** Wallet pay to this address with Label=dTrust1: 3MS51z2U66dxCt6upkUu8g29yT5aThE3fe **** Credited Bank address: 3A946gouPamedcsdJYdcZ8N5adopqVW4Ub ____________________ "MY Money" is a digital bearer instrument APM





    :"test (507).txt","path_display":"/Public/test (507).txt","path_lower":"/

    public/test (507).txt","rev":"5af17e1f39dcd0


    that can be stored, transferred and transmitted by all kinds of digital payment

    systems and services. The validity of this digital fiat currency is independent

    of the digital payment systems that will be storing and transferring the digital

    fiat currency for universal bank accounts.

    This enterprise blockchain can be legal tender if so declared by the government

    and does not need backing by deposit of any value that could be stolen.


    Admin. upload the test.txt file to dropbox now with this web app.

    That test.txt file you can download has email to request the xooa data...walah New money...





    :"test (1).txt","path_display":"/Public/test (1).txt","path_lower":"/

    public/test (1).txt","rev":"5af17e1f39dcd0a288f


    That's what comes in email from xooa

    Now that's in a database bitcoin would die for.

    The next person who gets money has test(2).txt then test(3).txt on and on...

    Click the "Save to dropbox" button and then click save test.txt

    Anyone who gets this is a node and can hand out money to anyone.

    Whatever test(#) is also the denomination amount up to infinity.

    test(507).txt are being confirmed.


    Here's MY new "write your ticket" smart contract. Paste below into

    the form and submit

    { "from":"network", "to":"mcdonalds", "amount":8.94 }


    Generate public and private key for blockchain config.php ____________________ Money Button Buy a premined blockchain for your enterprise blockchain customizations. Refresh webpage for new premined chain of 1+10. First do a checksum of your chain. First hash connects with each of ten channels. Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Accounts Payable Loans Payable Sales Purchases Payroll Expenses Owners Equity Retained Earnings ____________________ Ethereum Fingerprinted ____________________ Fingerprinted bitcoin //// & bitcoin world bank I did two curl examples for a resource and because of that I then got a nice unix command line on web thingy. Try ls command to see my files here...basic commands ____________________ Fingerprinted bitcoin //// also moveable varifier using bitcoin estimated time of arrival of next block as matchup for human handshake ____________________ _____________________ php framework _____________________ Supporter page and more... _____________________ Eternity wall click message & donate _____________________ The E.P.A. said every American is worth $7 million. Ok I changed digital money to 70000 @ 100 $7mil. _____________________ Here's a simulated ant colony. Just click on +New node then touch anywhere in the open area to place nests, then click >Play the ants know what to do ;) Also try out all the settings to create a best route for your ants ___________________ This gives a hugh number to every word in existence _________________ We recommend using firefox 5 to use our products because the filtering of mixed content is nonexistent. Simply type https when looking at http addresses ;) Windows 32 or 64 Just copy the two files and click the 13M .exe setup file ___________________ durl= Google wanted me to fix this and I did and I made much less overhead for fully scaled online businesses. It has to do with getting a database to make an associative array much easier. ____________________ That's big brother paying for everyone's shopping... Use the API order link. So now the 3 previous hash you gather are written to the blockchain and the orders complete. Now your just total adoption away from a new world ___________________ That's big brother paying for everyone's shopping...a tripple entry ledger is filled by our three certificates thus instant money ____________________ This system makes a password hash that I can't duplicate by normal md5 or sha1 hashing. Does anyone know the password hash scheme to this well known system? Cash reward for help. The system uses salt generator then puts the salt in cookies. Login script does a sha256 hash. _____________________ This is MY randonaut dashboard... 0.000001 0° 00′ 0.0036″ individual humans go here, now take the decimal fractions to guide you. example; See columns 5-9...reversed Those columns form a decimal read reversed .000451 That's 451 feet north because the last number was under 2 So now walk to there. Roll the dice again Again the reversed columns formed decimal .000738 That's 738 feet west because the last number was equaled 8. North = 0-3 South = 4-5 East = 6-7 West = 8-9 Columns N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # tosses with N sixes 2629 3707 2487 929 201 40 7 0 0 0 0 Reversed 000704 704 feet _______________________ This is a smart contract that takes and gives micro payments of crypto __________________________ simpleledger:qqp3xrn2gg5njxmu496e7yl77huvqyv7xce56avgx2 This is one of MY addresses that pays dividends. I will pay a dividend to it now and then if you tell ME what I paid I will pay more... ________________________ GDK recognizes employees create for the company from their own brain and time and that distinction allows employees to work on projects and maintain all Intellectual property rights on their creations ____________________ I wrote javascript to save form information to a file to disk. Click save to disk input the text then ok then click Download. The file is in your download folder named _script_ ____________________ *Celebrating* Newspaper first page ____________________ Make a future date calendar and print __________________ Generate todo RecoveryGuardian for your account in BTC World Bank. Make a work order todo with the 2 generated numbers then send it to the bank. Any work order content works so use your creativity. RecoveryGuardian just initializes a first handshake. Then you will go do some tasks in MY bitcoin eternity wall and also become a RecoveryGuardian. __________________ Work order todo... Here's a nice Work order todo maker and print out to disk. Generate 2)invoice numbers add as item, add more items then like like then share/print to disk. Delete item tap right side x __________________ Here's a nice todo list maker and print out to disk. Tap the item for done Or Tap again for not done Delete item tap right side x ____________________ Go here and refresh then get your own TFP: STM23482473847 That ones mine ;) That's what unlocks the Bitcoin realigner of wealth system. Register with a fake email if you want to and generate a TFP number in profile and send that to ME from the home page message form ___________________ The formula for the creation is... (1e+20NEW=1PQ>PA>gqQqQA^88)2 (1e+20NEW The weight of infinite space= 1PQ The first pre quark Greater than PA The first pre atom Greater than gqQqQ gravitons & first flavored quark Less than A4D[S...]SR A 4 dimensional dark matter star and it's own [S...] Super atom set island of stability making a blackhole also known as a "SRadius" which is responsible for our big bang. Greater than A^88 Our universe )2 Times two Or we'd never see it, if it all only happened once. __________________ Personal item list displays by using a new generated url. Read instructions then click Polymo begin ____________________ We are working hard on a "proof of persons" chain. The genesis block is my proof and a duplicate ____________________ All accounts can get a World Bank Debit VISA ____________________ Simple grade system. ____________________ Quickest way to get instant text file downloaded of a new friends phone number. ____________________ I went to Anonutopia Facebook and offered the pow&KYC tool to guarantee Commodity Money for the UBI is available if password problems OR ? occurs ___________________ Proof Of Work & KYC tool that makes a private key for a wallet address and does 10 transactions in 7 seconds between randoms of another address(2) Or itselfs address(1). Added total of random tx and fixed previous hash string(64) Added description input to submit and money button for code purchase. API writes description to the page scroll down... __________________ Cashless society simply needs to know about a sale. All the data determines estimated yearly supplies. Our cashless system does it all. With multiple nodes Nationwide as insurance against possible local network failures. Also anyone can pay for anybody __________________ Our Manuel Only signature collection of three appearances of filenames, numbers and time from authn page we recognize as proof of work for side chain peg ________________ I write on Bitcoin metadata to record transactions I do for loaning a credit card. MY system asks for near zero bitcoin calculation resources. Simply do the request into metadata default using Erase everything between the <> And the <> themselves then type in the information click submit near the large input box ________________ I like color to indicate each number on MY dialer ________________ Anyone need to have me use my credit card for a Mcdonalds curbside order? Works using Bitcoin to pay one day lead time orders so get a coinbase account. Email me the order I won't change much at first. I send you my Bitcoin price so you pay then order is yours next day. email arrival time. ________________ Opera browser can also pay to this Bitcoin address 3PBAqAeX3DEnmj2TxoB4LRgcKTyDvALyHt _________ Send a message now... ___________________ Create realtime neighbor's for food delivery. ________________ A new paper Payment Token system of issuance. 10 issuing offices: Municipal expenditure (11), expenses of businesses (101), expenses of enterprises (85), expenses of restaurants (94), expenses of security forces (14), Charitable Organization (34), Medical Equipment Expenditure (8), Transport Company (18) Expenditure, Cooperative (44) Misc. Expenditures (32) Public Expenditure. Rarity groups codes: RRR means that only RRR 1 - 2 specimens of this exhibit are known, RR 3 - 5, R 6 - 10, and all others the estimated amount issued. New Bitcoin accepting store BtiVr32CU5RfHx7CaH/store/gerald-daniel-krug ________________ This generates random bitcoin private key to create WIF for the new paper Payment Tokens validity ________________ Imagine having web app code that is so much easier to learn because it's created already. Latest code is Bitcoin Escrow and paper money Payment Tokens to backup the production of the US dollar. _______________ Escrow work-site for Bitcoin World Bank Loans. mysql database Verify & Release coins Status Admin. Pub. & priv. rsa key generator 2) verify & release PIN Demand Letter And more... _________________ These api urls choose from hundreds of tiny gifs and displays the choosen one upper left corner. __________________ Here's a stock form that has a freehand signature built in. ________________ GDK app. solutions. Send us a question or design... _______________ Added ad2zip to Payment Token web app. _________________ Payment Tokens only need total adoption, 100% of persons. Added time-stamped proof of connection. Added Payment Token side 2 with side 1 ___________________ New video chat added. Put the video room number in the "Real Id" input box click then users can get the room number from clicking on "Show the Money". Added file share and backup file share and text chat. "Proof of Connection" chat room for Fintech KYC know your customer laws is available by invitations only _____________ Funnel to the prize. Connected money maker and location to mysql database. Click "Show the Money" then "Cancel" Workspace added to make a street address convert to latitude longitude by using a simple API URL ________________ Crypto money thingy...presidents are a thing of the past. To prove the shards of crypto on the bill are real you need the rest of the document. Back of the bill... Individually numbered monetary note, refresh for another...and another... ________________ Upload image to create temporary URL to that image. click click for URL ________________ Get a 400x300 centered thumbnail for Google My business. Just upload a screenshot to test. Then click on "click". Download png image if you like what you see :) _______________ With crypto LOGO++ you can have use of any logo as your own and the public will know who the best company is by choice not monopoly. Use this tool above and use MY big boy network numbers here and above. Using the same numbers off one site because the crypto added logo shows it's an obviously cloaned LOGO++ Use the picture of the crypto and superimpose the logo of your choice. Send us a 90x90 logo we make these... __________________ Crypto Business LOGO++ Some extra hashes for quantum resistance and used for the starting base of a unique numbering system. The starting block hash is never changed and a warning is issued if it is changed. Buy LOGO++ and free set up online, just pay a fair price and it's yours __________________ €Blockchain lottery and blockchain analyzer to use upload simple-curl.php run 1. go here 2. click on the "2 copy invoice link" 3. go back to the first page 4. click "Get Block Count" Submit 5. click "Checksum" link 6. copy the checksum to clipboard. 7. go back to the first page 8. click on Get Block Count and select Write use chain and click Submit. 9. paste the checksum in the large box and then Submit. 10. click on link "use chain..." 11. scroll down to see your checksum that is your Lotto entry. 12. Take a screenshot 13. Send screenshot to 14. We never use your email address except to award Lotto prize to a crypto wallet, lucky you! I added the block height number to be written with the checksum _________________ Tag/word cloud images from text files. What will it make? tagcloud.php change_log.txt tagcloud.php (oval clds.php) ofc.php ofc???.png post to facebook Just refresh this page and see the image. I change the text daily from the top news story or whatever is current. ___________________ Screen scraper __________________ Our first Crypto-Kitty from the entire enterprise blockchain data blockchain explorer analyzer Happy New Year! __________________ Happy New Year! May the singularity be with you. Click Encrypt twice and Decrypt once. I won't say what this does because it's for your secret. ___________ Really quick! Send Santa a secret message on the One Time Pad, it's unhackable! Added interactive One Time Pad encoder. Santa Claus will decode it... Suggest using offset for true randomness _____________ UTOE Utility Tokenize everything to the enterprise blockchain. blockchain explorer analyzer This takes a bit of knowledge using the Write Use-chain option and scriptless script encoder all provided in the enterprise blockchain resource. Each UTOE you create is currently paying for one web app private label of your own. See the UTOE you made. ______________ Create a bitcoin wallet address and verify it instantly. Also used on BTC World Bank ______________ Scriptless scripting; sha1 hash generator. Use the agreement text Add the sha1 hash encode to data on your blockchain... Then doing it again makes matching hash thus proves the sha1 hash encode is from the same agreement text. (example) I want Block height 191 to contain a seller agreement hash. Use the seller agreement it's on the sha1 hash generator. I hashed the seller agreement as is. Then went to the blockchain analyzer/explorer and copied 3 blocks 190 191 192. Then I put the seller agreement hash after the data time hash on block 191 and saved it all. See the Utility Token you made. ________________ New Bitcoin World Bank splash page... ________________ Grab your own blockchain ledger of over 800 sections. Each section starts with the word height.... Add data after the word data..... Invoices in a chain always win in court cases. _________________ Simply put your block height and see the block. Try 1 to see the genesis block. Added 9 options to analyze the enterprise blockchain that creates 2 copy invoices. Cron is creating new blocks every 15 minutes. We prune at 500. Added MiniKey and PrivKey Qrcode reader Scriptless scripting; Make an agreement and a decode_key. Add the sha1 hash encode to data on your blockchain. Then doing it again makes matching data thus proves the sha1 hash encode _________________ Enterprise blockchain. Its good to start from the simplest implementation. __________________ After Cyber Monday sales week is on... Animation and instant upload images for the kids. Make selfies come alive for them for Christmas. __________________ First get this image then upload it here the time stamped image is displayed and to see its exif is from gdk go here. Feel free to use the gdk image timestamp. Qrcode reader __________________ Bank statement to blockchain/URL/3rdParties using simple calculation as signature Bank Statements from/to Blockchain Qrcode reader ___________________ New unique cashier to customer receipt with URL and a calculation screenshot. ___________________ Two calculators now under my roof... Adds a unique equation reminder. You can set the algebraic notation and then work it out in order according to P.E.M.D.A.S. ___________________ Convert current bitcoin to usd Click on ticker to get current bitcoin amount. Then put bitcoin amount ___________________ Metadata Key* from coin2gdk Metadata Value* a message Lets write text to the blockchain distributed ledger for public view forever. Email us a bitcoin address and what to write into that address. This qualifies as "Find Task Meat" and your reward you specify ;) TX Notifications ___________________ "Find Tasks Dairy" is a way to make better use of your free-time by completing micro-tasks for GDK in the real-world in return for your suggested bitcoin reward. What tasks could you do to get GDK to send you bitcoin micro amounts? email gdk(a) and put us to task ;) and send. a bitcoin address for a welcome gift. "Find Tasks Meat" and "Find Tasks Gold" are coming soon. The url above qualifies as "Find Task Dairy" and your reward you specify ;) ___________________ This is a new way to do id and passwordless entry to websites. This qualifies as "Find Task Gold" and your reward you specify ;)

    ___________________ web app working with the wallet. Other links More working API URL This qualifies as "Find Task Dairy" and your reward you specify ;) __________________ How would you use this database? This qualifies as "Find Task Dairy" and your reward you specify ;) __________________


    Change 5)data and 5)legend to create charts __________________ Get photo attestation for bitcoin notary. Take a picture to get timestamp select rename and copy to clipboard then take the desired picture and name it from clipboard. Added Open Timestamps and Bitcoin notary --------------- This builds a whole bitcoin system for you, Amazing! _________________ Download from Google play "OTScam" how that works is you share a or picture from smartphone camera to OTScam and it does the stamp sends a .ots "submittion receipt" file to download. Take the picture and .ots file to Upload the picture then upload the .ots it downloaded then the picture again and they should match. Attestation is next. _________________ Carbon copy and spool guide edge for distributed wealth system __________________ converted this web app to make a hyperledger for all the other sidechain web apps. Simply change 27 on Version=27 on the API url This is a get API url so machines can do the insert while post API url is for a human to do the insert. THE API URL... Flag=0001& Input_Count=01& Input_1_Previous_Output_Hash=1333183ddf384da83ed4929613

    6c70d206ad2b19331bf25d390e69b222165e37& Input_1_Previous_Output_Index=00000000& Input_1_script_length=0x17& Input_1_scriptSig=160014b93f973eb

    2bf0b614bddc0f47286788c98c535b4& Input_1_sequence=feffffff& Output_Count=02& Output_1_Value=00e1f50500000000& Output_1_public_key_script_length=0x17

    & Output_1_public_key_script=a914a860f76561c85551594c18eecceffaee8c4822d787& Output_2_Value=F0C1A43500000000& Output_2_public_key_script_length=

    0x17& Output_2_public_key_script=a914d8b6fcc85a383261df05423ddf068a8987bf028787& Witness_Count=02& Witness_1_length=0x47& Witness_1=



    a4aa4eb77e912bfd57e0a9b9a1c5e65f2b39f3ab401& Witness_2_length=0x21& Witness_2=0223bec70d670d29a30d9bcee

    197910e37cf2a10f0dc3c5ac44d865aec0d7052fb& Locktime=8c000000

    ___________________ Blockchain as basis for sidechains. str is previousHash. Click ledger to see blockchain. ____________________ A cosigned promissory note that is a negotiable instrument to recover from accidental loss of crypto. Promissory notes are issued at time when fiat converts to crypto. Added exif reader scroll to bottom... Qrcode reader _____________________ Once you mine a coin then make a picture of the json object to make a paper fiat Bill. Now that's money... Random art for money... ___________________ Set up 4 sidechains on mainstream hosting servers. Ifastnet - hostinger - runhosting - hosting24 I just invented a blockchain system that knows the previous hash and shows the miner where to write the previous hash to the current coin so the coins are air gapped and linked to the longest chain of coins mined. ____________________


    &amount=414201843 I got a sidechain web app Write content into the ledger in three massive size data cli to download ;) Miner... OR OR premined backup... Add a new node... See mined coins ___________________ Wordpress site that has plugins ___________________ Create a part ownership in any asset...even you or me... Store token cookie; 1 year Create a new token for any asset you want to make into liquid cash... ____________________ Echo's from the great beyond _____________________ Wake up to survey collecting... ____________________ Here's a chain of 3 UUID connected to mysql database. Simply copy all to capture the three UUID ____________________ dark matter cookie 2 Type in secret information in your browser and it will be stored for one year or reset and type in again for another year of storage...This is great for websites that don't remember your work like demo cash registers, demo smart contracts... ____________________ This is a 2 minute timer. If it says "the value has changed" Then go to the link to reset the timer and return to the url above. It will show 2 minutes ahead and wont reset till then. Its good for stopping page resubmittions and with this I build a message to bitcoin in the users cookie then the cookie airgap then within time the cookie is read and message sent to bitcoin ____________________ This makes text different and then you can choose a pass phrase you found ____________________ Bitcoind teachers aide Put in rules and save to see >5< There are 4 more... try main and ban and see >1< ____________________ The words are choosen thoughtfully so just refresh to see more... _____________________ Help your customers remember choice before they register to pay _____________________ Can you use curl to decode qrcode? _____________________ This sound maker was down because the bgsound tag was made obsolete in html. This works great now. ______________________ PoP Proof of presence. Multiple time stamps and ip address for any use. Erase data.json to start over ______________________ New code university...want to teach something to earn bitcoin then post knowledge here ______________________

    Auto-Install, auto detect, auto path repair



    My instructions to configure Abyss Server

    Click Abyss icon in

    C:\Abyss Web Server\

    click on Show Hidden Icons on status bar by desktop clock

    Right click Abyss icon

    click on Show Console

    your browser opens up

    Show the index.html from the web using NO-IP, so I turn on NO-IP now...

    Make note of link Use it if/when this main site is offline.



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    Want my total Biz computer set up (Mirror) on a 120 gig external drive with Knoopix Live CD.

    It completes all modern computers.




  • Social networking Tool Lordyumyum from GDK

    Use step three for the New Free Partyline


  • Karaoke twist "SING A LONG" Challenge Site.

  • Is GDK alive or dead?


    Newer versions may use the GDK "Constant message display" software

    for easier inputting to display read-outs...

    See owners manual

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    One of Our Commercials>>>

            Birthday Biorhythm, reality based fantasy

  • get the program BDAYBIOR.exe

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  • Online Basic Emulator

  • Run "High Moon" online

  • Download HIGHMOON.EXE to run offline

  • HTML Symbols

    Screen Of "Eater man" program


  • paste any program below into this basic interp.

    10 PRINT "Your aboard the Lunar Lander about to leave the spacecraft."

    20 print "To just coast without burning fuel enter .01"

    70 goto 1010

    80 goto 2010

    90 goto 3005

    100 H = H - V

    110 V = ((V + G) * 10 - U * 2) / 10

    120 F = F - U

    130 IF H > 0 THEN goto 80

    135 H = 0

    140 goto 2010

    150 print "Velocity less than 5 your a-ok! else you crashed."

    170 goto 5000

    180 GOTO 10

    1010 V = 70

    1020 F = 500

    1030 H = 1000

    1040 G = 2

    1050 goto 80

    2010 PRINT " Meter readings"

    2015 PRINT " --------------"

    2020 PRINT "Fuel (gal):"

    2030 PRINT F

    2040 goto 2100

    2045 print " "

    2050 PRINT V

    2060 PRINT "Height (m):"

    2070 PRINT H

    2075 IF H=0 then goto 150

    2080 goto 90

    2100 PRINT "Landing velocity (m/sec):"

    2110 goto 2045

    3005 IF F = 0 THEN goto 3070

    3010 PRINT "How much fuel will you use?"

    3020 INPUT U

    3025 IF U < 0 THEN goto 3090

    3030 IF U < F THEN goto 3060

    3040 PRINT "Sorry, you have not got that much fuel!"

    3050 GOTO 3010

    3060 goto 100

    3070 U = 0

    3080 goto 150

    3090 PRINT "No cheating please! Fuel must be >= 0."

    3100 GOTO 3010

    5000 PRINT "Do you want to play again? (0 = no, 1 = yes)"

    5010 INPUT Y

    5020 IF Y = 0 THEN goto 5040

    5030 goto 10

    5040 end


    Another Lunar Landing Program

    10 print "lunar landing:to just coast press enter."

    11 let x=1000

    12 let v=70

    13 let f=500

    15 let g=2.3

    16 let e=0

    45 print "go!!";

    50 print "alt.=":print x

    60 print "vel.=":print v

    70 print "fuel left=":print f

    80 if f=0 then goto 110

    90 print"burn how much fuel now":input e

    110 if e>f then e=f

    112 f=f-e

    120 if f=0 then goto 180

    117 a=(g*e)-e*f/200-2*3.1416

    120 if f=0 then v=v+(-1)

    121 if a=0 then goto 130

    122 v=v+a

    123 x=x+v-(a/2)

    124 if x>1 then goto 45

    130 z=(-100)+v

    135 v=(-100)-v

    180 print "vel.=":print v

    192 print ".5=OK 1.2=bumpy 2.1=crunch"

    195 print "4.7=crash 7.7=crater"

    197 end


    Moon over head

    10 A=0:B=0:C=0:D=0:E=0:F=0:G=0:I=0:J=0:L=0

    15 PRINT "HighMoon"

    20 input "M. time in";J

    25 input "Tot. days";B

    35 B=B+J

    37 IF J>=16 THEN B=B+3

    38 IF J<=15 THEN B=B+2

    39 IF J<=8 THEN B=B-1

    40 A=B/29.52055

    50 C=(A-INT(A))

    60 D=C/.0367647058

    70 E=(D-INT(D))-1

    80 L=(D-E)-1

    90 E=(L*52.9411)/60

    100 C=(E-INT(E))-1

    110 D=E-C

    120 D=ABS(D)

    121 D=INT(D)

    122 IF D>=12 THEN print "PM ";

    123 IF D<12 THEN print "AM ";

    130 F=ABS(C)

    140 G=F/.0189736039

    160 G=INT(G)

    180 IF D>12 THEN D=D-12

    190 IF D>12 THEN goto 180

    200 print D;" ";G

    210 goto 10


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    Just right click on GDK logo,

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    (c) 1994 - 2015 Gerald Daniel Krug vox


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